day 01 || 2:00 a.m.

31 7 0

[phone rings]




"what is your name?"

"um. who is this?"

"nobody. your name?"

"why should i? you're a stranger and my mom taught me to not answer a stranger. so i'm hanging up. bye."



"i need you."

"um. no?"


"first, it's obvious, you're a stranger. second, i'm not interested in helping somebody - especially strangers - through phone. lastly, it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning. you woke me up by the way."

"then why did you answered the phone?"

"i thought it might be important. ends up with you wasting my time."

"this is important."

". . ."

" are you there? "


"aren't you going to answer?"

" i - um, i don't know what to say. "

"well, why don't we start out with your name."

" this again? "

". . ."

" are you a runway from a mental hospital or you're crazy but yet put in a hospital? "


" fine. your name first then i'll tell mine. "


" is this your real name? "

". . ."

" hey? "


" what? "

"no. it's not my real name."

" then tell me your name. real one, I mean. "

"i can't."

" why? "

"i go to your school and you might would know me."

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