46. The Return of the Missing Mother

Start from the beginning

"You have no right to speak to me like that. This is a family matter."

"Exactly a family matter, and I'm a part of this family. I'm a Maxwell. Whatever has to do with them has to do with me. My family is upset and I tend to get very angry when I see my loved ones upset."

"I do not appreciate you raising your voice to my sister in that manner. Now, if anything you should be praising her and even asking her for parenting advice seems you seem to lack knowledge in that department." Carter sneered.

"I'm still your mother and that's no way to speak to me."

"Trust me if I had an option to choose a mom you wouldn't even make it in my list." Carter answered back.

"This is not fair." God this woman sounded like a child.

"You know what's not fair? You walking out on them. You know what's not fair? You breaking the heart of a wonderful man who loved you so very much. You know what's not fair? You breaking their hearts. Them not wanting to see you is more than fair. They have more than enough reason to ignore you and push you out of their lives. You, ma'am, have done enough. I think it's best for you to go. I will not ask again. If they are ready to speak to you then they will reach out to you, but clearly the moment is not now. We've had a rough few days and you being here isn't making it any easier so now please find yourself out this door for good." I stated. The women looked like she was ready to kill me, but I was not chickening out.

I didn't notice I was trembling in anger until Dylan held my hand and squeezed it just like Magic I was able to calm down and the shaking was gone.

"This is the woman you decided to marry and make the mother of your kids? Your father clearly didn't raise you well when I was gone. You allow her to speak to me in that manner? You should be ashamed of yourself, Dylan. Your mother comes first."

"Yes, this is the woman whom I've decided to spend the rest of my life with. Father raised me perfectly well and now looking back, I can't believe I was such an ungrateful piece of shit. I blamed dad for you leaving us. I gave him a hard time and rebelled against him, but in reality he did such an amazing job with us. He took on the mother and father role and not once did I see him complain about it or avoid responsibility which can't really be said about you. Your wrong, you don't come first. My children and wife come first just like dad put us first."

"I can't believe you put so much hatred in their hearts. You are disgusting, Brian." She spat out.

Oh hell no. She was not offending my dad. I'm so close to dragging her ou—-

"Nonna get back here!"

Before I knew it Landon was chasing behind Nonna with a very asleep Sebastian.

Nonna grabbed Dylan's mom by her hair and dragged her out. Dylan's mom cursed and tried fighting back, but Nonna had such a good grip on her it was impossible.

"Don't you ever step foot in this house again. Next time it will be my foot up your ass." She yelled before slamming the door.

As she turned around to look at us I looked around to see all the shocked faces. The only one not shocked was Landon who instead was bright red.

"That was—-"

"Bad ass." Carter whispered.

"I'm so sorry. I'm usually not this impulsive. But she was offending this family and I will not stand by it. She attacked my daughter, and an attack on Dakota is a huge no. Then she went for the rest of you guys and you guys are my family whether you like it or not. So I saw red when she called Mr.Maxwell disgusting there's so much I can tolerate." She shyly smiled while making her way back to Landon.

"I personally couldn't do it because she's a woman, but if she wasn't I would've done the same thing." Landon said.

"Thank you, Nonna. I appreciate you watching out for the family. You're a real one. If Landon won't marry you hell I will because that was hot." Carter whistled while making his way to Nonna who was laughing at his comment. Landon just rolled his eyes and chuckles knowing that Carter was no threat.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that." Mr.Maxwell said.

"It's not your fault, dad. She's a wreck not your fault. And I meant what I said." Dylan smiled at Mr.Maxwell who gave him the cheesiest smile I've ever seen.

Dylan walked over to Mr.Maxwell and embraced him in a hug. My heart was melting. I had never seen Dylan so affectionate towards his father. Suddenly, Libby and Carter were hugging him too.

I couldn't help, but smile at the scene in front of me.

"Why are you standing there like a creep? You're his daughter too come join the hug." Carter said and I chuckled.

I made my way to the group hug and my heart couldn't be any happier.

This is what it felt like to have a family, and I never want to lose this feeling.

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