Garroth huffed, crossing his arms. He hated when Laurance made those kinds of jokes. Being severely damaged to the point of possible death if not treated properly was nothing to joke about. Of course he couldn't stay mad at the brunette.

"We habe to get you medical attention, and fast." Aphmau said, biting her lips. "I can try to heal you, but after using up most of Irene's power to defeat Shad...."

Not finishing her sentence, she pressed both of her hands to Laurance's chest. The brunette bit his lip, making a small sound of pain as the Divine Warrior tried to heal him. His legs started to shake as the light from her hands faltered a bit, collapsing when it sparked out completely. Garroth caught him on a natural reflex, picking him up and slinging the brunette over his shoulder.

"Garroth!" Katelyn started to yell at him, shifting the unconscious body of Aaron in her arms. "You can't just carry him!"

"Why not? You're not homophobic, are you?" Garroth questioned in turn, narrowing his eyes.

"Garroth, I'm dating Lucinda." She sighed, rolling her eyes. "I'm just... I'm worried about him, more than I should be. This is Laurance we're talking about, he's next to impossible to break. For him to be reacting to his wounds like this... I fear there's more to it than we may know...."

Garroth could feel a ball of dread and fear dropping in his stomach, but he pushed it aside as he carried Laurance back to their base headquarters. Zoey and Lucinda began to heal his wounds immediately, alongside with working on Aaron.

"Laurance is strong, Garroth. He'll be able to make it through this." Dante said to Gareoth as they headed to the dungeons, going to either free or kill any prisoners they had.

"I know. Not even a radiation infected rhino could take him down." Garroth responded, walking down the stone steps. "I just... I just hope Katelyn's gut wasn't right this time..."


"W... W-Why....? Why..... why why!?"

The tears rolled down his face as he held the brunette in his arms, staring into his (soulless dead--) eyes, bloodshot and (filled with saltiness--) dull, almost entirely gray. His breathing was slow and had to be forced, as he was nearing his death.

"This is why I... kept throwing myself at... the others.... so you would not see this...." Laurance managed to say, coughing up blood afterwards.

"You knew this would happen if we killed Shad?" Aphmau asjed between tears, kneeling beside the two guards. "Why didn't you say anything...?"

"Shad couldn't live anymore... he was too far gone for any hope... of him living and being redeemed..." He explained slowly, forcing himself to blink. "The survival of everything in existence was at stake... compared to the destruction of all that, my death is nothing..."

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT, LAURANCE!" Garroth screamed at him, making the brunette visibly flinch. "You're worth everything to me! You're my best friend, I loved you more than anything!! You went through the literal Hell and back just for us!! You fought against the Shadow Soul within you to keep those you cared for safe!! We wouldn't have even made it this far without you!! How can you just say that about yourself!?"

"Garroth, don't scream at him like that!" Katelyn growled, tears brimming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Garroth.... I'm so, so sorry....." Laurance apologized quietly, making the blonde's heart crack even more. "I'm a Shadow Knight... it was the only way...."

Garroth hugged him tightly to his chest, sobbing into his hair. Laurance slowly wrapped his arms around what he could manage to in such a weakened and dying state, resting his head against Garroth's shoulder.

"Garroth....?" He started slowly, pulling back to look into Garroth's tear filled eyes.

"Yes, Laurance...?" Garroth asked, blinking away some of the tears.

"I love you.... I always have..." He whispered, forcing a weak smile.

"I love you too...." He said in return, touching their foreheads together.

"Goodbye, Garroth..." He whispered, before kissing him on the lips.

Knowing that Laurance would die very soon, Garroth kissed back as gently and softly as he could. One of Laurance's hands was caressing his cheek, and a few seconds later it slowly fell to his side.

Laurance was gone.

Letting go of the now lifeless body, Garroth could feel the hole being ripped open in his heart. This was a different kind of hole, much different than the ones he felt when he saw Laurance and Aphmau kissing in the forest, or when Laurance disappeared into the Nether. This was a hole of grief, one that could never be filled until he finally accepted that his beloved one was gone.


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