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KO and TKO went back to TKO's house and decided to do a BIG cleanup after the flood. KO made TKO some new towels and sponges and a new punchy bag as his old one got soaked with water. He also made him some new beanbag seats and a new bed with a new pillow and duvet. TKO got his mop and mopped his floor and KO made him some new outdoor things too such as his swing set, sandpit with a bucket and spade, paddling pool and other things. TKO had mopped his floor and then KO came back inside after making TKO his outdoor things.
"Well I think your house is as good as new," said KO happily, wiping the sweat of his face, "it looks better than before. And I think you have everything you need now."
"Yeah. But you forgot one more thing." said TKO smiling.
"What's that?" asked KO.
"Duh! A photo of you and me of course! That will go in my room right next to my Kactus Krew alarm clock so every morning when I wake up, I will always see that photo and remember this day."
KO smiled at him. "Ok then." He went upstairs to TKO's bedroom and made him a framed photograph of both of them together, wearing their sync suits and defeating the fish.

" He went upstairs to TKO's bedroom and made him a framed photograph of both of them together, wearing their sync suits and defeating the fish

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TKO came and saw the photo. He gasped. "Wow! This is so cool! Thanks!" He said in shock.
KO smiled. "You're welcome!" He said.
"So, what do you wanna do?" asked TKO.
"Let's go and watch TV." said KO. They both sat on the beanbags and switched on the brand new TV that KO had made. The action news was on.
"Breaking news, ok! P.O.I.N.T have gone to the Lakewood Sea to destroy shadowy figure's fish but, they discovered that the secret cave's keypad was busted and all of the glorbs were gone! But, they also discovered shadowy figure's fish who was just lying there, destroyed and all of his robotic parts were everywhere! So it's clear that someone else defeated the evil fish and took the glorbs to hide them from shadowy figure. But the question is, who did this? Who is this hero or who are these heroes that have rescued everyone from shadowy figure? Now that he doesn't have the glorbs, he can't make his evil creations be powerful. And it's all thanks to the secret hero or heroes for destroying the fish without the help of our useless superhero team. I mean, who needs P.O.I.N.T anyway? When we find out who this hero or heroes are, we will give them as many awards as we can and they can choose a special prize and it can be whatever they like! Now, here's Mr Logic with the weather."
TKO quickly shut the TV.
"Hey! I wanted to see the weather!" said KO.
"Dude, did you hear what they just said? We're heroes! We're famous! We're all over the news!" Cried TKO happily.
"Yeah, you're right!" said KO. He took out his POW card and gasped. He was on level 3!
"I'm on level 3!" He cried happily, doing a victory dance.
"Cool," said TKO, "I guess you probably have to go back to reality now, huh?" He said sadly.
"Well, I could spend some more time with my brother, if that's ok with you?"
TKO smiled, "of course. Now come on! Let's finish our video game!"
"Ok!" said KO as he picked up a controller. TKO picked one up and turned on the game. He thought for a moment.
"Also KO," he started. KO looked at him.
"Thank you for..well everything! You made me loads of nice things and you helped me defeat shadowy figure's stupid fish and you helped me clean up my house. Even after everything I've done to you, you're still so nice to me. I don't know what I'd do without a brother like you."
KO had tears in his eyes. He'd never heard anyone say that to him before because he didn't have a sibling.
"I don't know what I'd do without a brother like you either," he sobbed happily, "I don't have a sibling. So... thanks for being mine!" He started to cry and TKO hugged him.
"It's ok," he said, "so, what are we going to do with the glorbs that we took? Where are we going to hide them?"
"Duh! In your house, of course! Your house is in my mind so there's no way anyone will be able to find the glorbs here apart from you and me!" said KO.
TKO smiled. "Ok then. Now let's get back to our game!"
KO smiled. "I'm with ya, bro!"
And it's finished! I hope you guys loved this!👍
I'm going to make another KO & TKO story but they're gonna be separated in it.✍️ Let me know what you guys thought of this in the comments though!😉



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OK KO: The Secret Glorb CaveWhere stories live. Discover now