The door went and I opened it to see Nate and James smiling at me

"Ready?" I sighed and shrugged and got in there car,

"So what do I have to do?" James spoke

"Beat them up"

"WHAT!" Nate spoke softly

"I'm sorry Ella, but you have to do as boss says and he wants you to teach them a lesson for messing with our guys, and your the only girl so your the only one that can hit them" I groaned

"No fair" James patted my head as Nate was driving

"Don't worry, that lunch you gave Cindy proves you will be good at fighting"

"But-but she was the first person I've ever hit and I only did it because I was angry" James looked at me with shock

"You have never hit someone before, or even had a fight" I shook my head

"Wow your first punch was epic" I chuckled

"But guys, I don't know how to fight, and I didn't know what I was doing to Cindy because I was angry" Nate spoke

"We'll your just going to get angry at them" I sighed

"I don't know how" this time they sighed, James spoke

"You'll be fine" I pouted and we stopped at a bar, and walked inside, I have no idea how we got in but Im guessing Brian was the reason.

I noticed two girls one was sitting on drake and the other on drew's laps, I glared and spoke to James and Nate

"Let me guess, there the girls Brian was on about" they nodded we walked over and I sat casually while James and Nate stood behind me and I spoke with a flat voice when they turned to me drakes eyes widened

"Hello guys" drake spoke

"Ella? What are you doing here?" I laughed without humour

"We'll Drakey, I have a job to do and these to sluts are part of it, seems they got on the wrong side of my boss" they glared at me and one spoke

"Who are you?"

"Honey you have meets with the wrong boys, seems your messing with my bosses members and he's not to happy with you" drake and drew froze, they both stood and stood in front of me the same one who spoke first spoke again

"Well our boss told us to"

"We'll your boss is stupid then isn't he?" The other one spoke for the first time, yep she is defiantly the bitch

"Do you wanna take this outside" I clapped

"And the dumb twins get it" she grabbed my arm and pulled me outside Nate, James drake and drew followed us into the alleyway, the bitch turned, dropped my wrist and punched me in the lip, I pouted

"Aww I just got that stitched" she turned to drake

"Really you have this thing in your gang, I'm way better then this little nothing" I glared

"Nothing, honey I'm more then you'll ever be" she laughed

"No your probably a posh bitch that lives of her mommy" I flinched the other one had guts and spoke up

"Yeah I bet her mommy buys her everything, such a mommy's girl, posh snob" I knew my anger was rising and they mocked to because they carried on

"Bet in reality her mommy and daddy don't love each other, and mommy has to go to a psychologist because posh people can afford that"

"Yeah and she tells her no one loves her" something clicked inside of me and all I felt was anger I punched one of them and they other went to slap me but I kicked her and grabbed the first ones hair and smashed her face against the wall and kicked the second one in the stomach until she was crying, I spoke with no emotion in my voice

"Don't mess with my gang, or I'll kill you" I turned to see Nate James drew and drake with shocked emotion on there face, i snapped

"What!" They mumbled nothing but James smiled at me

"Wow girl your good" I shrugged and stormed off into the car, all of them got in and no one spoke, we went to brains office and I sat on the chair with my legs dangling off the side, he looked at me with a confused expression

"So did you do it?" James answered for me

"He'll yeah she did, they started mentioning her mom and boom, Ella punched one kicked the other, smashers one of their faces against the wall and kicked the last one until she cried, I was awesome" brain looked at me with shock

"Wow I guess the violence runs threw the family, I stood

"What did you just say!" He gulped

"Nothing Cassandra, sit down!" I glared at sat,

"Right here's your money, and good job, I'll call you when I need you again" I stood then spoke

"I need a ride home" he looked at drake and nodded.

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