7. Hope failed or is it?

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Suddenly Bloom began to moan and her eyes woken slowly

Bloom! All yelled happily

She just look down and closed her eyes.

Bloom how do you feel? Asked all

I am fine. Bloom said as Sky went to her bowing to her

Bloom, why did you transformed when you know you aren't allowed? Sky asked gentley

I.. I don't want to talk about it. Said Bloom looking away from the rest

Bloom you know you can't do that spell right now anymore, cause your weakening made your power more unstable and hard to control that spell. Faragonda said slowly as Bloom look turn arounded and look away.

I had to do it, they were in trouble even if I leave, I will know in my heart they are save. Bloom said slowly as all look at one another sadly

Bloom why did you? The girls yelled worried

Yet, it's friendship. I helped you and your save. That's what counts I don't care about me, I want you to be save and yet you are. Bloom said as I tear left her eye

Yet you aren't save. Said Ofelia worried

I can heal, and I will do that spell, I know I can even if it takes time, sometimes you just need to keep going even when it's dark and couldn't stand a change but, it's better to try and fail and not trying is failing. Bloom said looking at all around her

That's true. They said smiling

Are you still up to it with all this? Faragonda asked worried

I will try. Bloom said smiling

Bloom its our fault. Flora said saldy

No its not, I wanted to help. Bloom said smiling looking up at them

Yet, now your in bad shape. Said Musa

So? I will get back my strength. Bloom said smiling

You're sure you are up to it? Asked Tecna worried

Well I will try, so yeah. Bloom said

And if you don't? Said Aisha worried

If I leave, I know in my heart I will leave knowing your save. Bloom said as all look at one another half smiling

Well Bloom you have hope, the flame can still stain you. Faragonda said smiling hugging Bloom as all smiled

Suddenly Daphne rushed in.

How is my sister, Bloom your okay and awake! She yelled hugging Bloom

Yeah, thanks Daph. Bloom said smiling up at her

We will leave you guys for a while, call us okay. Ofelia said as all nodded walking out.

Daphne, I did a mistake didn't I? Bloom asked

Well no, you didn't, you helped them by following your heart, how can that be an mistake? Daphne asked sitting next to her as Bloom sit up

What if I leave? Bloom asked looking down

You won't belive me but, I have a feeling you will do that spell even at a difficult time and you will get trough for what ever lies ahead. Daphne said smiling as Bloom smiled hugging her

Thanks Daphne. Bloom said smiling

Welcome, so are you better to go outside and just have fun? Daphne asked

Yeah, it better to get better then lay in bed. Bloom said smiling as they both laughed.

Bloom stood up and walk with Daphne to the door and saw all looking at them

Bloom you should be back in bed.  Said the Winx as the boys nodded

I am better, so why rest? Bloom said as all nodded smiling

Okay, Bloom go and have fun but, stay calm and get plenty of rest okay? Ofelia said smiling as Faragonda nodded

Okay. Bloom saod smiling as Sky hug her, as they all left smiling.

Trix POV

We need to get back at them. Said Icy smiling

As they laughed.

Oh yeah. Said Darcy smirking

Real soon. Stormy said smiling as they head back to cloud tower.

Bloom Pov

After we head out of then infirmary all of us, went to Alfea courtyards.

We talked and just enjoy being together.

After that, the boys went back to Red Fountain and the girls decided to get back to our dorms, they even decided I need to get some rest, so I can be strong for tomorrow,  I went out the balcony and look out I smiled

I am glad I have a sister that look out for me and friends that care even when everything seems wrong. I said to myself and look out to the trees, I smiled and felt happy.

As the wind began to drift and it began to get out, a thousand memories race to my mind, only good once all the fun stuff and stuff I like to do. I smiled

Suddenly all the girls appeared behind me, and look out. We all smiled looking out.

Thanks girls. I said smiling

For what? They asked smiling looking at me

For everything. I said and we did a group hug.

Let get back in, the storm is almost out. Flora said as we all nodded closing the door and heading in, just then it began to rain.

We all look out the window seeing the water drip of the windows suddenly Musa made a funny face in the window and we all burst out laughing

Not too long did Aisha and suddenly we all began, when we finished we just laughed.

Times come to this, that makes friendship spesical.

What will happen next? Find out in the next chapter...

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