We sat down and took out our sketchbooks just as Ms.Kelly confronted the class.

"Okay everyone, today I want you to draw something that symbolizes someone you adore in your life. You will present them tomorrow so take it seriously because it's a quiz grade."  She said eyeing everyone in the room with an eyebrow raised.

My suddenly went back to the incident in the hall with Kehlani. I wasn't exactly sure why but I thought about the way she looked at me. Her eyes were filled with so much hatred towards me but I could tell by the way she walked and the way she talked that she had a softer side.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Hayley nudged me with her elbow. I looked down at her paper and saw a poorly drawn potato. I looked at her.

"A potato?" I ask, confusion laced in my voice.

Hayley nodded. "Yep this symbolizes you. Cause you kinda look like a potato."

I stared at her for moment, being sure to include the bitch face. She looked back at me and couldn't hold back her laughter anymore. She leaned back and almost fell out her chair. I punch her on her shoulder just hard enough to get her to shut up.

"You're such an ass." I say looking down at my sketchbook.

"You are what you eat." She replied and laughed even harder.

I groaned and shook my head.
I walk out of my algebra class and down to the cafeteria. Hayley, Bebe, Bryson, and Bruno are already down there waiting for me. I get lunch and walk to the table. Hayley, who is sitting next to Bryson scoots over and makes room for me. I sit down and I feel Bryson nudged me with his shoulder.

"What's up shorty?" He asked. I push him and everyone starts cracking up. "Fuck all of you. Just cause I'm short, it doesn't mean you can pick on me."

Bebe comes around the table and hugs me from behind. "It's ok. Everyone except from Bryson is around the same height as you.

I pout and look down at my tray. "I'm still the shortest." I mutter and Bebe kisses my cheek and laughs.

"Short girls are cute." She says walking back around to her seat. I roll my eyes and get up to go get some ketchup for these dry ass french fries. As I'm getting up I feel someone shove me really hard from behind. I fall onto my stomach. Hayley gets up and pulls me up. I turn around to see Kehlani smirking at me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shout at her. Of course, everyone in the cafeteria falls silent with their nosy asses.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything." She says, never taking her eyes off me and her smirk never leaving her face. I squint my eyes at her and she laughs like I said the funniest joke known to man.

"What? What is your short ass gonna do? Huh."

I smiled cause she actually thought I was short when she wasn't much taller than me.

"You do realize you're only two inches taller than me right. Imma need a better insult hoe." I said, calling her the exact same name she called me earlier. Looking at her face, I could tell she was actually shocked by what I called her. Her face quickly turned into an angry sneer.

"Bitch I know you ain't calling me a hoe while you running around with that rat." She said, gesturing to Hayley. Hayley looked hurt by that comment and hooked her arm with mine.

I was pissed. She could come for me all she wanted but as soon as she talks about my friends, I'm ready to start throwing hands. I didn't however because Kehlani was the best fighter in the school and I knew I'd get my ass beat. So instead I gave my best innocent smile.

"Oh is that what you're mad at?" I ask. Kehlani looks at me like I have two heads. I smile and snake my arm around Hayley's waist.

Realization washes over Kehlani's face and she starts to laugh. "I see what this is." She says crossing her arms. "Look Y/N, you're a very pretty girl. I don't see why you'd date someone like her."

I was beyond confused. So she pushes me to the ground. Calls me hoe and rams me into the lockers. Then she pushes me again, insults Hayley and compliments me. I wasn't exactly sure what she was trying to get at or what she was doing but I was terrified. However, I refused to show her.

Instead I snaked my other arm around Hayley and pulled her close to me as I kissed her. Hayley was confused at first but soon reciprocated the kiss and placed her hands on either side of my face. In the background I could hear the entire cafeteria going apeshit and I'm not gonna lie, Hayley is a damn good kisser. The kiss lasted about 30 seconds before we pulled away. I looked back at Kehlani and she looked pissed. I smiled and looked at Hayley who was blushing and looked beyond confused.

I looked back at Kehlani and she looked both hurt and angry. I smiled and stepped up to her. "Oh I'm sorry. Are you offended? Do you want a kiss too?" I ask sarcastically. The cafeteria ooh's and Kehlani turns red as she closes the distance between us.

"You better watch your back you rat kissing ass bitch." She says it low enough for only me to hear and walks out the cafeteria. I sit back down and everyone at my table looks at me and Hayley.

Bruno clears his throat. "So are you-"

"NO." Me and Hayley say at the same time. He holds his hands up and continues eating his food. I feel Hayley lightly kick my foot under the table. I look at her and see her smiling at me. I smile back and eat the rest of my food.
I finished my last class of the day which was my favorite, biology. I went to my locker and put my books up. When I closed it, I saw Kehlani leaning against Hayley's locker, looking dead at me.

"We need to talk." She says dryly.

My breath hitches and I freeze.

What the fuck did I do?

A/N: Hello beautiful humans. I told y'all I'd make another book. I'm feeling a lot more confident about this one so expect another chapter soon. With that said, just know that I won't be able to post everyday like I was with 'When I'm Around You' because of school but I'll definitely update a lot. Let me know what you guys think so far. Love y'all.

You're never fully dressed without a smile.

So smile🙂

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