Puppy was still trying to get away from him though, which was beginning to confuse Harry. "What's going on, boy? Huh? What are you doing?" He began to speak to him and then Puppy barked suddenly, obviously getting frustrated with the roadblock Harry was creating. "Alright, alright." He put him down and he made a beeline straight for me. I giggled and knelt down to let him jump all over me and I pet him.

He jumped a bit, not expecting to see or hear me behind him. "Savannah, hey." They way he said my name sent butterflies off in my stomach. He sounded slightly surprised that I actually did show up, like he had expected me to bail, but was just so happy that I didn't. I caught him look up and down at my outfit with widened eyes and we both blushed slightly. Harry cleared his throat, "How was your dad's?"

"It was good, yeah. We're being discussed in there." I told him quietly and pointed back inside.

He raised his eyebrows at me. I nodded, "We're a train wreck, apparently." I said lowly.

"Dunno if I'd say train wreck..." He murmured. I only shrugged in response. "Let's go break that up before it's too late." I nodded and followed him inside.

The second we stepped foot in the kitchen Nick and Grace pulled away from each other and closed their mouths tightly. "Very subtle you two." Harry chuckled. "I'm Harry, by the way." He leaned forward to place a kiss to her cheek.

She blushed as she introduced herself, "Grace. Nice to meet you."

"Food only needs another minute out there, how you going in here?" Harry addressed Nick.

"‘S all done." He responded proudly. Harry nodded and then went back out to the grill, I turned and watched him go and as I moved back to face Grace and Nick they were staring at me.

"I'm gonna regret introducing you two, aren't I?" I asked, although I was quite sure I already knew the answer. They both feigned offense and I could only roll my eyes.


Dinner was incredible. The food was absolutely delicious and Grace and Nick managed to behave for long enough and not bring up Harry and I. Things weren't awkward or tense between us, which I was thankful for, and both the boys seemed to be getting along wonderfully with Grace.

Nick was on his third or fourth glass of wine (both Harry and I abstained for the night) when he whined, "How early have I got to be up to bring you to the airport Tuesday?"

"Flight's for ‘bout three." Harry said as he shot his friend a look of sympathy.

"Where are you going?" Grace asked from across the table, voicing the question that was on my mind.

"LA." Harry responded. My head turned to look at him, we were sat on one side of the table while new best friends, Nick and Grace, sat on the other.

"I thought you weren't meant to go back for a couple of weeks?" I inquired, recalling the conversation we had not too long ago.

"Uh, it's a bit of a punishment of sorts from management for the, uh, pap incident." He coughed. "They figured I'll do more good down there."

My mouth opened to an "o" shape. "How long are you going for?"

"Not positive yet. Most likely about two weeks." He told me, not sounding thrilled about the trip. My heart got a strange ache in it at the mention of him being away. I knew it seemed ridiculous, we hadn't even known each other that long, it was just...since we had known each other we spent a fair amount of time together.

Nick's phone rang then and he scurried off to the kitchen to answer it. He came back in looking positively elated. "Alexa, Pixie, Aimee, and shit are coming over! Pixie sounded smashed and I couldn't really make out what club they're coming from so I don't know how long they'll be." Nick shrugged and immediately sat down and began to give a more than eager Grace the rundown on all of his and Harry's friends.

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