Is that a Challenge?

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Tru's P.O.V

I lean in closer to Harry allowing my voice to become very breathy, as I whisper in his ear, "There's Advil in the cabinet, if you need it later." Moving away from Harry I chance a look at him. Harry's mouth is wide open with the perfect ' what just happened' look on his face.

Chuckling to myself I leave the bathroom murmuring 'good night'.

Freya is already passed out, as I crawl into to bed smiling to myself at Harry's reaction.

Harry's P.O.V

I wake up, replaying the moment in the bathroom with Tru last night. Head a bit sore and smiling at what happened. I thought for sure she was going to let me kiss her, but the last moment she thwarted my plans.

"For the love of all things Holy, what is he bitching about now?" Niall grumbles as I stand up heading towards the door.

"You just got home 3 days ago, and you're leaving?" Connor yells.

Niall and I head downstairs to catch Tru's response.

"I'm not being deployed, I'm going to see Nathaniel and Tyler."

"Not yet you're not, but when will you receive that call in the middle of the night? Calling you back into an active war zone, once again risking your life; And for what? So you can have a 21 gun salute at your funeral? While you're mum and I receive a folded American Flag, your Uniform, Medals, and strangers thank us for your service." Connor yells

The entire time he's yelling Tru remains calm and collected, but holds his hard stare.

"If it wasn't so bloody disrespectful I'd be protesting at the soldiers' funerals too." He yells

"I do what I do to protect the Freedoms and Liberties of the citizens of this Country. I'll defend my Country with my life, and death if that's what happened. It's because of men and women like me that people are allowed to voice their thoughts, however stupid they may be; without worrying about a damned firing squad. You defend criminals, and crooked businessmen. I defend this Country, yet you fail to see the honor in that. If you can't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of us." Tru raises her voice slightly before continuing.

"Did you forget it was a Marine that lost his life saving mine? He had just got home, hadn't even seen his wife and son yet. Through your hatred you easily forget what a Marine and his family sacrificed and lost, to save for you." Tru's voice cracks as she finishes her thoughts.

"Uncle Connor, why don't you show us those depositions so we can get a head start on the case." Niall says trying to diffuse the situation. Connor nods before walking out of the room.

"You alright?" Niall asks his cousin as she glares darkly at the spot where her father stood. "He'll come around Tru, give him time." Niall tries to soothe.

"Give him time? Niall it's been 3 years, what is he going to do if I re-enlist in 2 years, adding another 5 years to my service?" Tru shakes her head not continuing; she grabs her luggage, walking towards Niall.

"Are you going to Arlington?" Niall asks.

"Yeah it's Tyler birthday, then we're going to visit his dad. Have fun guys, see you soon." Niall grabs Tru into his bear hug telling her to be safe, before releasing her.

"Niall it's Arlington VA, not Iraq." She teases before turning to me.

"Come here, love." I pull her into a hug while she raises her eyebrow, amused. "I won't try to kiss you again, until you beg me for it." I whisper catching her earlobe between my teeth. Tru shivers, her cheeks turning a barely visible pink.

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