Chapter 1

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(Cathy's POV)

"Let go of me!!" I scream, struggling to get out of grasp. His weight on top of me didn't make things any easier

"I should have never let you out of my sight in the first place, and now I'm going to keep you here forever " He says

He held me down with a knife against my throat. I couldn't move. I was afraid he would kill me. The tears ran down my face coming to terms with the situation. I kept hoping he would just wake up and realize what he was doing was wrong and let me go. But the hope faded away as I felt the cold blade against my skin.

I see a vase in my peripheral vision. It was nearly within arms reach.

"You are going to behave and stay here like you're supposed to."

I'm tried to reach for it as he mumbled things to me.

"I love you, isn't that enough? Why can't you love me back?" He said.

"You cheated on me Andrew. You've been cheating on me since the first day we met. How can I love a man that is dishonest and unfaithful to me!" I said.

That nearly aggravated him. He took the knife from my neck and started to caress it around my face. I close my eyes telling myself he should just kill me now. He started to unbutton my top and caress the knife along my chest, leaving small cuts with the sharp blade.

"You're mine now." He whispers in my ear.

He turns around and starts to take off his clothes.

This was my chance. I reached farther for the vase, finally getting a good grip on it and I hit him on the head. Broken glass everywhere and blood coming out of his head. I run down the stairs as fast as I could and head out the door. I get in my car and go to my parents house, telling them everything that has just happened. I soon after called the police and explained everything to them.

He was convicted of attempted murder and sexual assault charges. He was quickly indicted and his sentence was supposed to be 10 years but it got shorten to 3 years due to his good behavior in the prison and I knew soon after I had to leave the state. So I gathered all my things and kissed my family good bye and went to Virginia. This was my chance for a fresh start and I took it. Goodbye Florida, and Hello Virginia.

2 years later

My first day at the BAU.

My alarm goes off. It's 5 in the morning. I get my breakfast, drank my morning coffee and I took a nice warm shower. I dressed as professionally as possible. I just wore a white see through blouse with a white tank top underneath, with black dress up pants and 4 inch heels.

I walk through the doors of the BAU. I first noticed how busy and chaotic the atmosphere was. Quickly, I made my way into Arron Hotchner's office.

"Hello, I'm Cathy Daniels, I'm the new agent starting today. My chief called you last week about my transfer to here today. I look forward to working with you sir" I say extending my hand to him

'"Yes. Ms. Daniels, I've heard many good things about you from your chief. I hear you are also an undercover agent as well." He asks

"Yes I am. Ive worked many cases in the FBI under cover. The actual case I worked before was my longest undercover assignment yet. There was a big drug cartel and I had to get close to the ring leader, bring his guard down, enough for us to catch him and recover about 20 million dollars worth of marijuana.

"Well, I must say I'm impressed, but this is much more different from being undercover Ms. Daniels. Are you to the challenge?" He asks

"Ive studied psychology, sociology and criminology and Ive had to use everything I knew while under cover sir. I feel confident enough to show my skills and prove that I will be a good asset to the team."

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