Chapter 1

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"Brother is it true"

Lan wangji said with sorrow voice

Lan xichen couldn't said a word  but remain silent. This two brothers stare at each other not making little noise. You could heard in the background the chirps of a bird singing in the breeze.

Lan xichen break the eye contact and sigh helplessly

"It's true....... Wei wuxian is dead"

When he heard those words from his brother it's like his whole world collapse in a second. He starts shaking non-stop, he bite his lips hard until it draw's blood, his golden pupils shrunk in a second and you could tell in one look He's suffering so much. he slam his fist to the nearest wall, he do it again and again until the wall painted with his blood. His legs starts to get soft and let himself kneel in front of his brother .his tears starts overflowing while staring at the empty space.

Lan xichen for the first time in his life to see Lan wangji show this emotion
In front of him. He know that Lan wangji is a person can control his feelings even it is chaotic. But he knows now that this brother is suffering so much for the lost of his beloved.

He could not accept that his Wei ying is dead.

He knelt and hug his brother tightly while patting his back. He starts crying with his brother and whispering comforting words.

But Lan wangji keeps crying silently and shaking more.

"Wei ying..... Wei ying............Wei ying"

He mumble that name non-stop

Lan xichen is so helpless right now he could not stop his brother from crying.

Lan wangji break their embrace you could see clearly that there still stain of tears in his face mostly his eyes full of sadness. He stood up and walk away from his brother slowly until his figure disappear completely in Lan xichen sight.

Lan xichen stood up and sigh again.

He just could not stand when his brother suffering, it hurts him so much.



Lan wangji walk away slowly to his bedroom his eyes is lifeless like his life has no meaning anymore. The person that he love the most more than his life is gone.

His wei ying is gone.

The light that always give him warmth and love is gone.

It hurts.

He did not even confess how much he love him,This is truly tragedy .

When he is in front of his bedroom he open the door slowly and came inside like a walking corpse and close it behind him.

While standing there with his lifeless body.His eyes gets wider with hope, he immediately find his guqin and sat on the floor and he began to play

When those lovely fingers touch the strings it makes a soothing sound like calling someone desperately.

He play until midnight no one still answer


Three days has pass


2 weeks has pass


1 month


4 months


Still nothing.


You could still heard the sounds in that bedroom. It's hard o determine when will it stop.


1 year has pass


The youth suddenly stop playing and stared at his guqin.


"Wei ying, why are you still not answering? "

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