"Okay fine fine!! I have to hung up now!!"

And then I hung up didn't wait... To his reply and fix my necktie and then go down start running to go out side and open my car door....

"ow! Sht!Qianxi gonna hit me!"
I said to myself and start driving faster I am lucky there's no traffic

Author nim pov.

Junkai is cursing under his breath he was late too late... He arrived in the company and get off to his car and start running to elevator

"wait!!!"he shouted and then the person inside startled and push the open door button and Junkai came inside and pat and the elevator door close....

"are you okay sir?"the boy ask him and Junkai raised his hands saying wait.. And the boy gave a tissue to Junkai and Junkai accept it....

"/*sigh*/  thank you.."Junkai said and look at the boy in front of him and then his eyes widen.

"welcome sir... And are you okay sir?"yuan ask Junkai can't utter a word... He just hug yuan and yuan got shock of the sudden movement.

"hey! Sir? What are you doing?"yuan said he can't do anything he just let Junkai hug him... And yuan look at him face to face.

"Yuan! I fckng miss you!"Junkai said and touch yuan face while smiling widely tears at edge of his eyes.

"a-ah.... S-sir? H-how do you know my name?"yuan curiously said to Junkai and Junkai smile faded and look at yuan deeply and yuan look away.

"y-you don't know me? I'm Wang Junkai!"Junkai said and yuan froze on his spot and look at Junkai immediately and let go of yuan touch and his face became serious.

"your back..."yuan coldly said and Junkai lower his head and nod.... The elevator ride is so silent

/*Ting Ting*/

The elevator stop and yuan walk like running away from Junkai and Junkai was faster holding his hands reason to yuan to stop and he harshly let go of Junkai hands.

"what do you want?!"yuan harshly said

"Wait... Yuan! Why are angry at me?What is your problem?!"
Junkai ask yuan and fake laugh even though he want to cry.

"why am I angry?! Is because of you?! You leave without saying goodbye! I've been waiting for you so many years.... But you didn't even send a message or even send me a letter and now you've show up and hug me! And what Worst your my boss"
yuan said and Junkai can't utter a word and yuan was crying.. So walk towards yuan but yuan walk backward so he stop and sigh...

"yuan... Please listen to me.."
Junkai said and yuan didn't say a word so he continue "... The reason I didn't say goodbye is because of my papa... He was so angry to me that time because mama almost killed because of me so he decided to send me in America as soon as possible I wanted to run away that time but papa is strong that me..and the reason I didn't message is because he cut all the connections I have and why I'm not sending a letter is because their to tight to me"junkai explain yuan can't answer he don't know what to say luckily qianxi came... Looking at them weirdly when he look at yuan seeing his red eyes qianxi walk towards to him and touch his face.

"yuan?! What happen?! Why did you cry?!"qianxi ask yuan but yuan just shake his head

"nothing... Please excuse me"
yuan said and run to go to the bathroom and lock himself there. Qianxi seriously looking at Junkai.

"what happen?"qianxi ask Junkai in a cold tone Junkai look at him in a coldly way and just walk out and qianxi followed behind and they go inside junkai office.

"answer me"qianxi said and Junkai sigh before sitting down to his chair and rub his temple.

"his my childhood friend that I was saying to you"junkai said and qianxi was shock about it.

"Now that you see him... What are you gonna do?"qianxi said

"I'm gonna make him mine and let my promise came true"
junkai said and qianxi laugh a little Junkai look at him..Weirdly.

"do you think...I'll let you get him?"qianxi said and Junkai seriously look at him Junkai stand up.

"so his your special friend? Tsk! So this is a competition"
Junkai said and look at qianxi like there in staring competition.

Wang Yuan pov.

His back.... And my heart is beating widely..... I still like Wang Junkai but I can't trust him again
He broke my trust to him when I was a twelve years old... I don't know if I can trust him.....
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