"They're not here," she tried to say, exasperatedly. "Let's just go back, they can't hide in the woods forever."

   "I'm not going back until I have the girl!" Murphy yelled, his words sending a shockwave through the trees. "That little bitch is not going to get away with murder."

   "You don't even care that she murdered Wells!" Cleo cried. "You only care that people don't want to hang her!"

   Just as he was about to respond, a yell went through the forest. A voice crying out Murphy's name drew everyone's attention and he shot her a dangerous glare before he continued on his march.

   "Charlotte! You can't hide forever. Don't worry. We won't hurt you!"

   Cleo couldn't describe the desperation and the anger mixed in her blood. Her hands were soiled, her bloodied bandages stained brown from the earth. She looked down in pain, tempted to just unwrap the bandage and leave her hand victim to the elements. She continued to stumble, hearing Charlotte's screams appear closer and closer.

   By then, the small group of bloodthirsty juveniles were beginning to speed up, the adrenaline in their veins urging them to do something with their limbs. Cleo's feet dragged along the forest floor, hearing Charlotte's cries. Now, they sounded like they were right next to her. They broke out of the forest and into a small clearing.

   The smell of river water wafted up Cleo's nose and from the way Bellamy was looking over his shoulder, she could see that they stood on the edge of a cliff. She made an immediate move toward them, pushing past Murphy.

   There was a slight scuffle of him trying to pull her back, but she weaved her way out of his grip and reached Charlotte, glaring at the angry male. She stood on the other side of her, surrounding her with Bellamy. They shared a look, sending each other a slight nod of recognition. For the first time, they were on the same side. A protective arm went to wrap around the young girl, who looked like she was on the edge of giving up.

   "Damn, it Bellamy," Murphy began. "You cannot fight all of us, give her up."

   "Maybe not, but I can guarantee I'll take a few of you down with me," he responded, his body beginning to get into a fighting stance.

   Clarke and Finn came out of the woods frantically, searching for the girl they'd apparently lost.

   "Stop! This has gone too far," Clarke said. "Just calm down, we'll talk about this."

   For a second, Cleo thought Murphy might've been convinced. He seemed tired of fighting, tired of running, tired of chasing. His eyes drifted over the trio by the cliff and she thought he'd let them go. But just as she thought they'd be safe, he swiveled Clarke around, pulling her in and holding a knife to her throat.

   "No, Murphy!" Cleo cried.

   "Let her go!" Bellamy cried at the same time.

   She could feel Charlotte beginning to struggle to break free from her grasp and she shared a frantic look with Bellamy. There was no plan, no escape route to this situation. Murphy wanted blood and he'd get some, no matter whose it was.

   "No, please," Charlotte asked, escaping her grasp like she'd escaped Murphy's. Luckily, Bellamy was there, holding his arm out to stop her. "Please don't hurt her."

   "Don't hurt her?" Murphy asked, hovering his knife dangerously close to Clarke's neck. "Okay, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now, I will let her go."

   "Murphy, come on," Cleo pleaded, sending him a desperate look. "Nobody has to get hurt tonight."

   "Somebody has to pay!" He screamed, touching the blade to his victim's neck. "You guys wanted punishment, so I'm giving punishment. Come here, Charlotte and nobody else has to get hurt because of you."

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