Day One

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• Jacob Fox •

Trouble. The word people call me obviously me being a half demon has to do with me causing trouble in my town, but I couldn't help it, it just runs in my blood being evil even if how hard I try to stop it I can't; everyday I got a urge to cause trouble even if how much my mom scolds me on not causing trouble in town and spending another night in prison but my demon side gets the best of me it's so tempting that I couldn't stop it from lashing out.

It started when I was only 6 quite young I know, I could still remember almost killing the kid who took my candy from me and he was like 10 and I was only 6 such an age gap; I was taller and stronger then most kids at my age a thing I inherited from my demon father, so I pushed him where there was a huge rock and he hit his head there causing him to be brought to the hospital since he was bleeding badly REALLY badly blood was literally gushing out of his head causing his blonde hair turn red, I remember seeing the pool of blood on the green grass and I still remember the feeling I had when I pushed him down and hurt him.

It felt good it felt amazing even if it's wrong in all circumstances also a cruel thing for a 6 year old to do and it started there that very day where everything start, that was the reason why I'm like this now in the present, causing trouble but it was in me, my demonic side was in me all along the time I was born and growing up.

I was standing in front of the person I just knocked out and he deserved it cause he didn't follow what I told him to do, blood was gushing out my fists from all the punching and it started to bruised but I'm already used to the pain since I've been doing this for years now, I was about to leave but I felt another presence in the alley which doesn't happen everyday. I turn around and came face to face with a girl, a teenage girl, maybe my age or younger standing there her arms crossed with a scowl on her face, I couldn't deny it but she was attractive but she had an annoyed expression on her face confusing me on why she was annoyed.

"You're Jacob Fox right?" She asked her voice was smooth (a bit of sexy type of husky voice) with a hint of French accent.

"I am Jacob Fox, what can I do for you," I replied giving her a smirk which annoyed her even more whilst rolling her beautiful gray eyes.

"You need to stop causing trouble cause you don't know above there," She pointed at the sky and added "Is having a debate on eliminating you from existing in this world cause you're breaking the peace of this town"

"How do you even know that?" I asked this girl is crazy she's not an angel to know that and she sigh running her hand through her wavy hair.

"I'm Flitersta or Felicite an angel and I was assign to stop you from causing further more trouble before they decide and eliminate you from existing," She replied well I thought wrong she was an angel after all wow I feel stupid right now, I really shouldn't judge the person beforehand.

"Well Felicite I'm sorry but I can't help it I'm a half demon and I couldn't stop myself it's in me," I stated gesturing to myself and she looked more annoyed.

"Idiot," She muttered.

She stomped her boot clad feet in the ground annoyed about it causing me to chuckle at her and I turn away from her to go home but decided to turn back to bid good bye at her but she was gone not anymore standing in the place where I last saw her, it was my first time having an encounter with angel since I've only encountered with fellow half demon or just pure demons. I walk to the direction to my house while thinking of Felicite; she was clearly the angel of peace since she was sent here to stop me and bring peace back again, but I think she wouldn't stop me, I'm a half demon and she was an angel; even if I'm only half I know I'm stronger then her.

I ran my hand through my hair and looking up the sky, the moon was shinning brightly in the night sky while little dots of stars surrounded the dark blue night sky and making it look like it was just a painting; a perfect painting, an imagination of the perfect night sky, not even a single cloud dared to cover the night sky which is rare here in Mulberre. The night sky is usually full of clouds covering the night sky and not allowing the moon to shine and stars to be seen but maybe tonight was something special hence there's no clouds.

I reach my house and open the door with my spare key seeing my mom was still up watching tv.

"Hello Jacob dear," My mom greeted me when I came in the house.

"Hey mom," I walked towards her and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"How was your day?" She asked averting her attention to me instead of the celebrity gossip news she was watching which was talking about some celebrity creating a scandal.

"I meet an angel," I answer straight forward and Felicite's face popped up in my head with the annoyed expression she supports causing me to chuckle.

"An angel. That's interesting," My mother stated, she knew about them hence she got pregnant with me by a demon and causing me to be a half demon but my mom never told me on how she even meet my father, like she's a mortal how can she have a relationship with a immortal moreover a demon from hell.

"She was the angel of peace," Damn that wasn't supposed to be said out loud, mom would be upset.

"Oh," My mom had a disappointed look on her face and she looked down fiddling with the decorative pillow she was hugging.

"It's okay mom she just reminded me to not get in trouble" I assured her and she look up and gave me a small smile.

"That's good." She look at me in the eye and I gave her a smile.

"I'm going to bed now night." I kissed her cheek and went up stairs.

"Good night Jacob dear," She called out while I was walking towards my room.

I reach my room and after locking my door I collapsed in my bed looking up the ceiling, Felicite was something... special; I don't know why I think of that just I just have a feeling that she's special more special then anyone (well except mom) and it's just amazing, I closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep.

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