Chapter 1: Violent Introduction

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Magdalynn had been home from Hogwarts for two days, approximately. It was hard to tell in the small hideaway she had in the attic. The small space used to be big when she was young and needed to get away from the screaming, but as time passed the space became smaller and smaller. Until her sixteen-year-old self could barely fit, and if anyone came looking for her, Magdalynn knew she wouldn't be hard to spot in the dishevelled attic.

The room smelt musty and everything felt damp. Rain lines running down the old unkempt walls, pealing the paint in its path. Mould grew in large patches across the ceiling. The window was so dirty it let in minimal light, barely enough to see the outline of her hand. With the Thud Thud Thud of approaching footsteps up the rickety wooden steps she knew what came next. The door to the attic opened with loud protesting creaks as he continued into the disgusting room. Making herself as small as possible she willed herself to become invisible, but it was useless. The magic Magdalynn had accidentally called on let her father know right where she was.

Stomping over to her, making her try to shrink smaller. She hoped he continued walking on by, not realising that he felt her magic resonating in waves. His big hands descended upon her in a lighting quick strike. One big hand grabbed her upper arm and the other was buried in her long black hair. Hauling her up to her feet she didn't make a sound. He liked it when she screamed. With a disgruntled growl, he let go of her arm. Holding her hair tighter, he swung her around making her lose her footing and dragged her down the uncovered wood stairs.

The rusty nails poking out of the deteriorating wood cutting into the skin on her legs as he dragged her across the equally poorly conditioned house. She kept her hands up in her hair, holding her own hair just before his big hand to try and stop the blinding pain. Her electric blue eyes held tightly shut trying to force the tears to stay in. 

It wasn't until she heard the basement door open that she started screaming, and fighting him. Her nails digging into the skin of his forearm, he pulled her up again to stand on her own feet. Hissing in pain he slammed her head against the wall, breaking the mouldy plaster. The impact of her temple hitting the wooden frame inside the wall stunned her momentarily, sending black blotches across her vision.

Her father let go of her hair as he swung her down the stairs into the basement. Connecting with every stair on the way down Magdalynn fell herself losing consciousness just as she made out the shapes of her brothers in the dark shadows of the room.

The basement was cold and smelt just as musty as the attic, the stone walls were thick with moss crawling its way up from the ground, there was only one light it the room and it only hung over the steel table with different instruments of torture scattered across it.

Her youngest older brother, Peta, dragged her from where she landed to the slab of raised concrete they had in the middle of the basement and dumped her on it carelessly.

"Jesus Pete be careful!" Luka, the oldest, growled.

"you care about her so much, you bloody do it" Peta retaliated, gesturing wildly at their unconscious sister on the slab. Cuts and grazes littering her legs and arms, her face bruising and her bottom lip was split.

"I won't, this is stupid" Luka recoiled into the shadows. "Mom would be so pissed if she was here"

"But she isn't here is she!" Peta yelled. Frightening Simon, the baby of the family, and making him flinch. "And that's because of her!" Peta turned back to Magdalynn "She's the monster here"

"You really think this is the right thing to do Pete?" Luka sounded defeated, he and his twin Peta were Nineteen, Magdalynn a day away from Seventeen and Simon was only Ten. Luka knew what his father told them wasn't right, Maggie wasn't a monster. She was gifted. "Because it isn't right"

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