jaeden: no, i'm fine, just an allergic reaction

jack: are you sure?

jaeden: positive

jack: well what do u wanna watch? supernatural or teen wolf?

jaeden smiled: supernatural

jack: great! no sad episodes, though. how about yellow fever? that episode was so funny

jaeden: yes

-jack noticed how around jaeden's right eye had been darkened and it looked like he had bloodshot eyes, but he didn't want to intrude or invade his privacy, so he did his best to ignore it-

-the boys laughed as the episode played on. jack actually had a small crush on jaeden, but it wasn't anything to worry about. he knew jaeden would never feel the same way, anyways-

-after about an hour, jack heard soft snores from the other phone line. he realised jaeden was asleep and he smiled. he hung up and texted him-

jack: hey, u fell asleep so i hung up. i wanna talk to u about something when u wake up, so text me when u do :)

-wyatt and jaeden - an hour later-
-imessage conversation-

wyatt: hey um.. i'm sorry for not replying..
wyatt: i've been an asshole
wyatt: u shouldn't be the one apologising
wyatt: i guess i just overreacted
wyatt: i got really upset when u told me u hate me
wyatt: and i ignored u
wyatt: ik it was childish
wyatt: i was being stupid
wyatt: there's no excuse, really..
wyatt: i just really wanted to say sorry :(
wyatt: it was ridiculous for me to even miss the flight
wyatt: idk what i was thinking
wyatt: i understand if u don't wanna talk
wyatt: but please just send me a message, even if it says something hurtful, or a simple 'k', i just wanna know if ur okay..

-3 hours later-

jaeden: go fuck urself
jaeden: u ignore me for over 2 fucking weeks bc i got pissed at u and said 'i hate u'
jaeden: what the fuck
jaeden: i told my mum i hate her when i got really angry
jaeden: and guess what
jaeden: so i suggest
jaeden: u go choke urself
jaeden: dick

-20 minutes later-

wyatt: i'm so sorry jaeden..
wyatt: as i said, i overreacted
wyatt: i understand that u actually hate me now
wyatt: i would hate me too
wyatt: just take care of urself
read 22:05

-jaeden and jack-
-imessage conversation-

jaeden: hey i'm awake
jaeden: i'm so sorry for falling asleep!!😂

jack: it's fine hahaha
jack: um so it might be personal, and i'm completelyyyy okay with it if u don't wanna tell me, but what was that bruise on ur eye i saw last night??

jaeden: oh just some stupid kids at school

jack: oh :((
jack: douchebags smh

jaeden: yeah haha

jack: tell me if they ever go near u again pls
jack: ik i'm short but theY DONT MESS WITH U
jack: i'll stick their dick infested heads up where the sun doesn't shine

jaeden: ahahahaha woww😂😂

-the next day - monday-

after p.e, jaeden walked to the showers, trailing behind the other guys. the water sprinkled down on them as the washed themselves. most of them were talking and joking around but jaeden just stared at the floor. he finished before them and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around himself. they turned the water off and walked over towards the other towels. jaeden quickly glanced at them, forgetting they were naked. nicholas, one of the popular guys, caught jaeden's glance. he quietly told the others and they walked over to jaeden. jaeden looked up, confusion written all over his face.

"you a fag?" nick asked, smirk on his lips.

"what? no," jaeden frowned. "i have a girlfriend."

"you hear that, gentlemen? he has a girlfriend," he spoke in a mocking voice. "he isn't available."

"i'm not gay," jaeden raised his voice.

"perhaps you could be bi."

"shut the fuck up and leave me alone," jaeden sighed, pulling a shirt over his head.

"hey, don't be rude. i'm offering you some sex toys."

"what the fuck, dude? piss off."

"hold him," nick instructed two of the guys. they obeyed and quickly gripped jaeden's arms.

"don't disrespect me."

"do what you want. i'll heal," jaeden smiled sarcastically.

"looks like you've already got some bruises. does your daddy fuck you too hard?" nicholas giggled at his own joke.

"let go of me, assholes!" jaeden tried to get out of their grip, but it was no use.

-this part contains physical bullying-

nick punched jaeden in the nose, making it bleed. jaeden just glared at him, trying to ignore the throbbing pain.

"so, who's your sidehoe, hm? is it jack? finn, maybe?" nick got his friends to let go of him. he shoved his head against the tiled floor. jaeden let out a yelp as blood started dripping down his face.

nick stood up and kicked jaeden's ribs repeatedly. jaeden curled up in a ball, covering his face as nicks friends joined in.

it wasn't long after that a teacher stomped inside. "what on earth is going on? you boys, come with me to the principal office!"

jaeden stayed there, pain covering him like a blanket. except, it wasn't so comfy. the teacher must've called another teacher to take him to the office, because miss jensen jogged inside. "oh my god. let me help you up."

jaeden accepted the help and she took him to the nurse.

-time skip -the next day-

jaeden had to stay in the hospital for the night. turns out his beating had caused a fractured nose and bruised ribs.

a nurse walked inside, a soft smile on her face. "morning, jaeden. i'm dr. ponzio, but you can call me melissa. how are you feeling?"

jaeden immediately recieved good vibes from her, and returned the smile. "a bit sore, but not much."

"are you experiencing any nausea, or a migraine?"

"no, none of that."

melissa bit her cheek, and looked down at her notes. "we found that you haven't been eating lately, jaeden. can you tell me why that is?"

jaeden's face dropped and he felt ashamed. "um, i don't know."

she sighed. "i understand if you don't want to talk about it right now. but if you continue to do what you're doing, make sure you get some help. it's not healthy." she said as she checked his vitals and other stuff.

jaeden simply nodded, too embarrassed to say anything.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐒; 𝘑𝘠𝘈𝘛𝘛Where stories live. Discover now