The smirk on Tomlinson's face fell. "Excuse me, sir?"

"Oh don't play dumb Mr. Tomlinson. As I remembered last year you skipped out on twenty-two classes of mine. You also flatted two of my tires, you wrote a cruel and unfunny joke on my car, and you set loose three pigs in the building and put numbers on each one saying one, three, and four and all the faculty and staff searched for three hours looking for that imaginary pig number two" Mr. Turtle listed off while counting on his fingers.

The whole class burst out laughing. Really? He was that kinda guy? Well the pig prank was pretty funny and genius if I must admit. But I could tell already from the class laughing and that evil smirk he had on his lips that he was an arsehole. So much for drooling over him a minute ago.

"Oh come on, Mr. T that was in the past. It's a new school year. I'm a changed man" Tomlinson batted his lashes.

Mr. Turtle's lips pursed and he crossed his arms, obviously not buying it.

"Really?" Mr. Turtle raised a brow.

Just then there was knock on the door. Mr. Turtle walked over and opened it. There stood a Pizza Hut delivery man holding a box of pizza. The whole class gasped. I looked over at Tomlinson and he had his feet propped on the desk, his head back and his hands behind his head, smirking.

Mr. Turtle tried to protest but the delivery man spoke. "That's okay, sir it's already been paid for."

Then he turned around and left. The class started to giggle. Mr. Turtle turned around holding the pizza, looking quite furious. He looked straight over to Tomlinson who got up and walked over to him. Tomlinson opened the pizza box and took out two slices of pepperoni before walking back to his seat. He kicked his feet up and took a bite.

"Really" he replied.

The whole class started laughing while I just shook my head. So he was the arrogant class clown type huh? Great. I've dealt with enough of them in my lifetime.

Mr. Turtle set the pizza down and turned to Tomlinson. "Meet me after class."

The class ooh-ed while Tomlinson just shrugged and took another bite of his pizza. What a fucking douche.

"Oooh, Louis you're gonna be in deep shit" his friend whispered.

Wait. That name sounded familiar. Louis Tomlinson. Then it hit me. Like a ton of fucking bricks. I slowly turned and looked at him. He was the Louis I told Niall about. He was my bully from middle school...


I sat there the whole class trying to listen to Mr. Turtle's lesson, but I couldn't. I kept stealing glances over at Louis. I couldn't believe that that was Louis fucking Tomlinson, my middle school bully. Sure I could see it now. He was an arrogant son of a bitch and so was the Louis I knew back home. And he looked like the Louis I knew also. The only thing that was different was that he was muscular, a little bit taller, had better hair, and his eyes were a lot more beautiful. They were this gorgeous shade of blue like the ocean that I could just get lost in-wait! Nope. Not gonna do it. I hate him. He bullied me for three years and made my life a living hell. He is still the same dumbass cunt he was throughout middle school. Now I'm just gonna ignore him and listen to Mr. Turtle like I should. 

Okay fuck, I couldn't alright? He's really fit, but he's still the same arrogant dick I knew. But what I'm really wondering is why he's attending Man U. In eighth grade, rumors flew around that Louis moved back to Doncaster because his grandmother was ill and his mom needed to care for her. But what the fuck was he doing here in Manchester? And why was we in my class? Ugh. This sucks arse so much-

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