A Trip to the Market

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I walk out of the palace and to the street. For a moment I watch, a few people walk past me. This is the time of day it gets really busy at the market.

I shrug off the thought and walk to the market anyways. As I walk down the street I fix my hood so that it masked my face more.

I still don't feel comfortable around the market even though I've been here for a year. It's just something here feels off. I don't know what or why though.

Walking down the street I look at the different vendors that are on the street. Once in a while, I would stop and look at what they have. Just out of pure curiosity.

Suddenly I hear two women yelling about something. I walk over to hear what they're saying. I hear one of them scream, "That's complete bullshit! You knew exactly what you were doing!" I see the other women just shrug her shoulders and walk away. "Hey! Get back here and pay for that!" As the women quickly walked away I notice a pair of small feet under her long cape.

I walk over to the yelling women and take out my purse. "What did she take?" I asked as the women looked at me with a surprised face. "I'll pay for what she took," I said with a smile.

"She took an apple a small thing of strawberries." The women still looked at me shocked.

"So? How much was it?"

O-oh, um it was um." She looked down at something behind her fruit stand. "It was 4.90 in all." I took out the money she said it was and gave it to her.

At this moment I don't really care whether that's what it actually coast or if it wasn't. Because the other woman had a reason for taking the fruits. I have a feeling it was the little guy that took it. But, she took the blame for it. "Have a nice day ma'am," I said as I walked away from her.

As I walk around the market again I see the lady in the alley talking to a little girl. The little girl is looking at the lady happily. I smile at this site. But, out of the corner of my eye, I see something flash at the end of the alley. Quickly, I walk over to the two of them. "Could I talk to you two for a moment." The lady looks at me with a confused look. But, luckily she agreed.

I walked over to a new stall away from the alley. The little girl looked at us happily as we walked. "So? What did you have to talk to me about?" The lady asked.

"It was about what happened before at that one stall."

"You're not going to ask us to pay, are you? Because I told her I-" I raised my hand shanking my head as I smiled.

"No, I just wanted to say that I paid for you. So, If the guards come for you just say that you want to talk to Y/N. I'll tell them what happened." The lady looked at me and smiled happily.

"Thank you, Miss Y/N."

"No need for formalities. I just wanted to tell you that." I leaned in close to her so only she could hear. "I saw something flash down in the alley. Be careful, ok?" I said quietly. I looked at her for a moment to see a bit of shock in her eyes. "Just be careful next time," I said smiling then I started to walk away.

"Thank you so much Y/N!" I hear the lady yell and I turned to her and waved. Once again I walked around the market looking for something to do or get.

After a while, it started to get dark and the moon came out to light up the nightlife of the city. Suddenly I was stopped when a man bumped into me and grabbed my arm and rushed me into an alley.

I went to fight back but he quickly grabbed my wrists and pushed me against the wall. I keep my head down so he can't see my face at all. For a moment he just stares at me with angry red orbs.

We stay like this for a few moments. Then the clouds uncover the full moon to shine on long black hair covering half of the man's face. From what I see he's a handsome young man not much older than me. For a moment I'm stunned at what I see. But, I quickly regain my composer. As I do I twist my wrists out of his grasp. Once my hand is free I lift my hand as vines wrap around the man. But her breaks them off out of anger and with magic of his own.

"That was a wasted attempt." He said in an intoxicatingly deep voice. His voice is familiar for some odd reason. But, I can't recognize him.

Where have I seen this man before? I looked him over for clues but, it only angers him more. "I didn't know I was dealing with another magician." I blurt out with a smirk stuck on my face. I see the anger go down to his fists as she balls them up.

I need to get out of here before this becomes a fight I can't win. For a moment I look around for ways to get out. But, the only one I can find is up. That should expose him enough that he won't want to follow me. 

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