Chapter 5

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Holy shiz life has a funny way of working it's motherfucking miracles -W
—Night's POV—
After that shopping fun experience, I quickly became bored. Now what. You know what I'm gonna start a bakery, heck ya.

I already own one, I mean I'm a fucking ancient being. How could I not own a bakery by now.
And plus where else do you think I get my money from the red light district... well yes but that's besides the point of me owning a secret possibly illegal rainbow drinker bar. Cough.

Any way I lazily levitate all my clothes into the closet and drawers where they belong. And start dancing to no music like an idiot, since after all we can all be silly idiots especially when no one is watching.

Anyway I just signed check your news feed on my phone and see this little nookstain exposing me on YouTube as a fake bitch that doesn't even try to make her own content, and that it's all copied. So this brings the most malicious of ideas to my head I believe it's time to pay this little insect a visit.
Heading to my computer I tracked down her address and let me just say I found it quite easily.

It didn't do her any good that she basically has her address on all her social media accounts. She was the stereo typical bitch blue eyes, fake bleached blond hair, wears layers of make up that would put crepe cakes to shame, wears way to little clothes mainly an obnoxiously bright pink color, and a fake high bitchy squeaky voice. She lived in Beverly Hills, how cliched. Though Beverly Hills being a few hours away I simply traveled through the shadows and reached the front of her house in seconds.

Shadows covered my form giving me a ghostly appearance . Hheheheheheh- honk . Huh I haven't laughed this hard enough to honk in ages weird. Anyway how to kill her...Iron Maiden... no far too much work, wait I got it.

Slinking in the shadows only to appear in her room I, conjure up to ropes to tie up her legs to the ceiling. She begins to wriggle in her sleep as I successfully tied her up to the ceiling her legs spread apart into a v.

As she hung from the ceiling by her legs the blood slowly rushed to her head, before she is fully conscious I bind her mouth shut with a ball gag. As she regains her conscience from the blood flowing to her head, her eyes begin to open in fear and terror as the first thing she saw was my horrific shadowed form slightly outlined by the moon light. My eyes glowing in an ominous light of my color ( ur fav color, or whatever).

I raked my sharp nails across her face leaving trails of blood were they traced. With a sickening giggle a saw appeared in my shadowed hands, and with a quick downwards slice she was naked. Not that she was wearing much of anything to begin with.

Tears were streaming down her face as I positioned the saw right in between her legs. Her muffled screams of panic did nothing but entertain me as tears and snot ran down her bloodied face. Her eyes opened so impossible wide, and her muffled screams were more panicked than before as she begin to wriggle and writhe in pain as I slowly began sawing her in half starting her womanhood.

Slowly as I made my way to her belly button she still wouldn't pass out due to the blood running to her head keeping her conscious as I sawed down, down, down, and down. Reaching her rib cage she was surprisingly still alive. So that leaves no choice but to cut her in half all the way.

Putting more force with each sawing motion I made it straight through the bones, as her gurgling screams of pain were muffled further with the blood that came up her throat. And with one final satisfying sound and motion I split her body in half the saw going straight through her brain. Her dead halves of her body swings around the room dripping blood wherever it pleased.

Oh so satisfying, I looked out the window to see the sun rising.

" ..Maybe I took to much time sawing her in half.."

And with that I dissapeared in the shadows leaving nothing but a bloody marking on the wall with a little writing.

:0) Honk!

Returning home I took a long warm shower and a much deserved rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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