Chapter Four

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The next morning, I wake to a sizzling sound. My stomach growls and I immediately feel a surge of anger toward Loki. I pull on some pajama pants and pad into the kitchen. A woman stands at the stove. She has her red hair pulled into a tight bun which was concealed in a hairnet. She wears a grey uniform with an apron over it. She turns to face me. She looks to be in her early twenties.

"Ah, La Bella Addormentata alla fine decide di unirsi a noi. Buon giorno!" Says the woman. I give her an incredulous look and search the room, eyes landing on Loki who sits at the dining table, which is set for two.

"Uh, what?"

"She said 'Ah, Sleeping Beauty finally decides to join us.' Then she says 'Good Morning.'" Loki mutter, not looking at me. Jesus - he is so petty.

"Uh, good morning to you too." I make gestures, trying to get my point across to her. I can't tell if I'm being racist toward her or not, but I want to at least some communication with her.

"I speek english too." She says and curtsies. "Ma, nem iz Marzia."

"Hi, I'm Becca" I say, nodding toward her and pressing my lips into a thin line. If she knew english, why didn't she greet me that instead of Italian?

"Zee pleasure is mine. Pancake?" She shakes a pancake onto a plate and hands it to me almost insistingly.

"Sure." I take them and sit down across from Loki, who is immersed in a pancake himself. Her scarlet coloured lips spread into a smile, reminding me of my mother and my heart aches. I miss her so much. I look straight ahead, focusing on the monster responsible for her death and yet again suppress the urge to lunge across the table and slit his throat.

I shake my head, pushing both the memory and the longing away and put on my best poker face. "So, about last night-" I start but he cuts me off.

"You are to report back here again tonight. Also, training for you today is private." He says.

"What the hell?" I exclaim.

"Come to the training arena at four this afternoon and we will commence hand to hand combat." I feel fury sure through my veins.

"But that's in a half an hour."

"Precisely." He stands, leaving the detention ward in a hurry.

I turn to Marzia. "Can you believe him? All I did was set him straight and now I'm the bad guy!? He's the one that destroyed a freaking city!" I vent to her and she shrugs.

"I know. Ee iz very temperamental - like a teenager." She pronounces every syllable in each word she says, sometimes messing up but recovering quickly.

"Look, do me a favour and lose the hairnet? I feel bad sitting here and watching you work your ass off for this douche-bag. You seem nice and definitely deserve better."

She smiles, pulling the hairnet off and letting her fiery red hair down. It cascades over her shoulders like a waterfall and I nod, smirking. "Better?"

"Yez." She nods curtly, walking away and I watch her leave the room in a slight haste, feeling as if I just did the right thing.

It's a nice feeling.


The weight of the knife in my hand felt off, like it weighed more than me. Then again, it was just a pile of plastic.

"Now, throw it at the target." Loki was behind me, shouting directions. I jump, for just seconds ago, he had been at my left side.

Pulling my aching shoulder back, I position the knife so that it will fly freely from my grip. I fling my arm, letting the knife go. It flies in the air, twirling over and over until it clangs against the target and falls away, proving that twentieth time is not the charm. Damn.

"Pathetic." Loki mutters and steps toward me. He places another knife in my hand, holding my hips. "You do it like this." He pulls my arm back and throws it forward with a force strong enough to knock me forward. He grips my waist tighter as the knife hit the target dead center.

Breathing heavy, I turn around and immediately, Loki puts a blade to my throat. "How are you going to get the knife from my hands without it cutting you?"

I think it over and knee him in a private place. He doubles over and I grab a knife from one of his armor pockets.

He stands, swinging his dagger at me but I dodge, falling to my knees and swiping at his legs. He jumps, bringing the blade down toward me but I roll away. This goes on for quite some time until I get a swipe at his cheek, cutting it open. He cries out and falls. I hold my knife to his throat, smiling triumphantly.

"Your silver tongue won't get you out of this." I snicker.

"And your bravery won't get you out of this." His form dissipates and he reappears behind me, his own blade at my throat. Laughing, he takes it away and throws me onto the ground. I watch him as he stands over me. When he's not looking, I stretch out and kick his legs out from under him. He falls, crying out and slams against the mat next to me.

"Well played indeed. I did not expect that." He admits and brushes himself off; but looking at his expression, I know that he did expect it.

I play along, not wanting to spoil this momentous occasion of Loki actually helping someone else's ego instead of his own.. "See? I'm not just a pretty face." I smile and stand, helping him up.

"That, you aren't." He whispers and pushes a blonde strand from my face. I bite down on my lip to keep from exhaling shakily.

Suddenly, the doors to the arena open and Blaine runs in, charging toward me. "Beck, I've been looking everywhere for you today! You weren't in the detention ward, or in your dorm..." He trails off as he sees Loki, giving him an annoyed look.

"I'm sorry, was I interrupting something?" He backs away.

"Blaine, Loki. Loki, Blaine." I introduce them.

"Sup?" Blaine says, nodding.

"Juvenile greeting, I prefer 'hello sir.'" Loki mutters.

Blaine shrugs and hugs me, whispering in my ear. "S.H.I.E.L.D is pissed that you didn't check in last night."

"I was busy."

"With what?"

"Detention stuff."

"Call them tonight. Make sure of it okay?" He kisses my cheek and leaves, ignoring Loki. I cup my cheek, startled by the sudden gesture.

"Boyfriend?" Asks Loki.

I shake my head. "No, more like 'seemingly intimate friend.'" I say and sigh. "Now, can we please go back and get some pizza or something? I'm starved!" I whine and he follows me out.

"Pizza? What nonsense is that?"

"Dude, Asgard must suck so bad for you." I giggle.

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