Chapter 38

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^^Thats Matt

Baileys POV

I woke up and smiled, remembering I'm going on a date with Matt tonight. I sat up in my bed and walked over to my closet to get an outfit. I got a denim shirt and a white top. I quickly got changed and looked at myself in my full length mirror, I looked adorable.

I put my hair into Dutch braids and sat down at my desk to do my makeup. I put on a nude eyeshadow, a matte pink lipstick. I applied mascara to my lashes and did two wings. I finished up the look with highlighter on my nose and upper cheeks.

I grabbed my white MK sandals and put them on. I walked out of my room and over to the kitchen. I saw Carter making eggs, shirtless. I couldn't help myself from staring. His body was like a magnet for girls eyes.

I averted my eyes and sat down at the table. I pulled my phone out and saw I had a text from Kai.

Kai: There is a surprise for you all, coming today! You're gonna love it :) I swear.

Me: And what is it??

Kai: I can't tell, you just have to wait and see ;)

Me: KAI!!

I turned my phone off and looked back at Carter. The way is muscles flexed, even when he wasn't try was so hot. I stood up and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He turned around and smiled down at me.

I started tracing his abs, than letting my finger slide up his body. My thumb went to his lips and slowly started to rub them. I bit my bottom lip and pulled his head down. I gently placed my lips on his and let him pick me up.

He placed me in the counter and pulled my skirt off. He took of his sweatpants and then his boxers. I looked down at his hard friend and smirked. "Bailey, Bailey!"

I came out of my daze and looked up at Carter. "Yeah?" My heart was pounding from my little fantasy.

"Do you want some eggs." I shook my head no, and looked away. How could I let my mind roam there... I'm with Matt and I'm happy. "Did Kai text you about the surprise?"

"Yeah, I'm really excited." I kept my eyes away from him, trying to forget what I just imagined happened. Carter sat down across from me, eating the eggs he just cooked.

"Are you okay?" I looked up into his blue eyes and slowly got lost. Carter slowly moved his hand from across the table, to mine and grabbed it. "Bailey?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I faked a smile and looked away. "I'm gonna go for a walk." I stood up from the table and put my phone into my pocket. I walked out of my dorm and down the hall, to get outside. I opened the door and walked out, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

I started walking around the campus, trying to relax my nerves. I felt arms wrap around my body, stopping me from walking. My heart race picked up and I quickly turned around. "KAI!" I wrapped my arms around him and held on tight. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too!" Kai smiled at me, instantly making me feel ten times better. "The other guys are here too. We have a little surprise to tell you guys."


"I can't tell you yet."

I narrowed my eyes at Kai and back up from him. "Oh but you will." I smirked and started walking away from him. I heard footsteps and was quickly re-wrapped in his arms.

"I really can't tell you." Kai whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. I turned around and made a pouty face. "I can't Bailey. Now bring me to your dorm."

"Fine." I grabbed Kia's hand and started leading him back to my dorm. "Wait should we get the guys first?"

"Yeah." Kai brought me towards the car. I saw Kane, Daniel, Nick and Micheal standing around it talking. I let go of Kai's hand and ran over to Daniel, instantly engulfing him in a hug.

"Guess we know who the favorite is." I smiled at Daniel's words and was glad when he hugged back. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I pulled away and walked over to Nick, who had his arms out waiting for me.

"We enjoyed your little porn video." I titled my head and glared at him. "You're a really good moaner."

"Nick!" I turned to Micheal and walked over to give him a hug, but stopped and hugged Kane first. "And speaking of, I would really like to meet this guy. Since he's so much stronger."

"Yeah he is, sorry to break it to you." I walked over and wrapped Micheal in a giant hug. "And like I said he could beat your ass." Micheal halted down at me, making me smile. "Okay follow me to Carter and I's dorm."

I started walking off in the direction of block 4, Kai's arm was wrapped around me. We walked into my block and down to Carter and I's dorm. I opened the door and saw Carter on the couch, Amelia sitting on his lap. I walked in followed by the boys and watched Carters bored expression change, he looked happy to see all his friends.

Carter pushed Amelia off of him and stood up, walking over to the group of guys. "Hey." They all did a bro hug with Carter and then I saw Nick looking over at Amelia. She smiled and bit her lip, motioning for him to come over.

"So Bailey when are you getting your boyfriend over here?" I looked at Micheal and rolled my eyes. "I have to have a little chat with him."

"You can see him later when we go on our date."

"Invited Natalie and Emma over."

"I'll go get them." I walked out of my dorm and went down the hall to Emma's. I knocked on the door and Katie came to the door. "Hey can you and Emma come over to my place? There's a surprise for her. I have to get Natalie, but you guys can just go right in." Katie nodded her head and went to get Emma.

I walked over to Natalie's door and knocked on it. Matt answered and smiled when he saw me. He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. "Can you and Natalie come over to my place? Natalie's boyfriend is here, don't say anything though."

"Yeah I'll get her and meet you over there." I smiled and kissed him again. I walked back down the hall and over to my dorm. Emma and Katie were walking over there. I opened the door for them and watched as Emma walked in.

Her eyes landed on Daniel and a scream escape her lips. "DANIEL!" She ran over to him and jumped into his arms. "I've missed you so much." She pulled his face down and kissed him. Katie walked in and I saw her eyes travel to Micheal.

I watched him smile at her and her cheeks turned pink. Micheal walked over and held his hand out. "I'm Micheal."

"I'm Katie."

Micheal smiled again they dove into a conversation. It was the cutest thing ever. Natalie and Matt walked into the room and Natalie had the same reaction as Emma. Matt walked over to me and wrapped his arm around me. "You look beautiful by the way."

"Thank you." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. I swear could be get any sweeter.

"So this is Matt?" Kai smiled and walked over. "I'm Kai, Baileys best friend." I smiled and nodded my head in agreement.

"Oh so you were the guy having sex with my sister." I looked at Micheal, who was walking over. Matt's cheeks turned a little pink, as did mine. "Carter told me that you and her fucking in the hallway too."

"Micheal! Can you not talk about this?!"

"It's fine." Matt looked down at Micheal, since he was a good 2 inches taller. "Yeah me and your sister had sex. And if you would like to beat my ass, you can try." Micheal smiled and patted Matt's shoulder.

"I'll spare you the embarrassment." Matt smiled and watched as Micheal walked back over to Katie.

I looked up at Matt and smiled. I pulled his head down and planted a kiss on his lips. I watched Natalie and Kane walk out of the dorm, probably to go have sex... but we don't talk about that!

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