Chapter 1

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Stephanie's POV

On the frosty morning of June, I woke up only to realise that I have a plane to board that will take me to Ireland. I will be shooting the last series of a TV show that I am in called 'crazy three years'.

Hi, my name is Stephanie and I am eighteen years old, I'm fairly small, I have brown eyes and long dark brown hair.

*21 hours later*

I arrived in Ireland to meet my friends again, I was so excited, and very happy to especially see Rich again.. Yes I may like him, but it will never workout because, heck, no way he likes me.

Richards POV

Today is the day that me and the crew are starting to film series three of our TV show.

Honestly I can't wait to reunite with my mates after so long, no lies, I've been thinking about Stephane a lot lately, but why? Oh maybe because I like her a lot, though I know it will never work as she doesn't feel the same way about me.

Once we landed in Ireland, we had to go straight to our location to film, the first person I saw was Stephanie, wow, she looked amazing as usual.

"Hey Rich! Long time no see" god she has a cute face.

"Oh what? Sorry.. I ahh, I was just, yeah nevermind! How are you?" Good job Rich, you stuffed that up big time.

"Ahah are you okay Rich?"

"Yeah, sorry about that, I'm fine, the jet lag is kicking in, that's all. Here, come in for a big hug hey!"

"Whatever you say master rich" boy, did I love her calling me that name.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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