The lover's portrait

Start from the beginning

"He said he needed to go to the bathroom, although we think he's lost his way here considering how long it had been." – The father chuckled, his deep voice surprisingly deeper than any male you had met, even Zoro himself.

"I also need to go, I'll be right back and if I see him I'll bring him with me!" – You announced earning a few nodds from your friends, their parents and your lover.

Glancing at your phone you saw you only had fifteen minutes left to go to the bathroom and hopefully drag Zoro back with you so you picked the ends of your dress up, not to damage it, and dashed through the park, skillfully running with your high heels and earning a few gasps.

Once you arrived you thanked god there was no waiting line and went right in the cabin. After a few minutes you were done and out.

Looking around you didn't see any sign of a certain green haired man, but you did hear voices, very loud angry voices coming from the back of the washrooms.

You battled yourself for a few seconds, undecided if you should put your nose in other people's business or not, but in case something bad happened you felt you needed to be there...

You pretended to look around for someone as you casually walked unnoticed to the side wall that stood hidden by some near bushes.

Your ear perked up identifying the female's scritching voice and the deep lazy male one.

Perona and Zoro...

"You promissed we'd be together again!" – She yelled clearly choking on some tears.

"It's not that simple!" – He retorted.

Perona cried louder making Zoro panick without knowing what to do.

"I want to forgive you but I can't!" – He tried to make her see his side.

"But I did what you told me! I stopped sabotaging (Y/N) for you!" – She yelled the last sentence with fury making you gasp and turn to look at them with your phone recording.

"She's your friend! How could you even do that in the first place?!" – He held her arms beside her torso in a tight deadly grip.

"I thought you had given up on me after accepting her offer to be her model..." – She pouted, trembling from fear at Zoro's rage.

"I get that. But why destroy her project and why exposing her and Hancock like that?! Do you know how hard she worked for that project?! And how heart breaking it was for her to be expelled from the competition?!" – He pulled her closer locking her with her.

Perona's trembling increased and so did her silent tears rolling down her face as she shook her head in a negative answer.

You stood petrified with your phone in your hand, not knowing how to react and letting the scene unfold before your eyes.

Zoro suddenly let go of Perona making her snap her head up to look at him in worry as he turned around to grip his hair in frustration.

"I don't know what to do anymore... I don't if I can do this... us..." – He admitted making her sniff – "This... This side of you... Ugh! How can I even deal with this?! Even if I do forgive you now how will our future be? You always being jealous of every girl that aproaches me? I'm sick of this... This is why I broke with you before..."

The last part seemed to have hit her hard as she dropped her head low and cried to herself.

The two remained silent, not knowing what to do, including you. Thinking that was enough evidence you stopped the recording and put your phone back in your purse before walking towards the couple.

For Art (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now