Private Girlfriend [Chapter 13 - Part 1]

Start from the beginning

“You’re too sweet for that babe,” shouted Finn.

“You’ll be the first,” I managed to shout back as we entered the kitchen and up the stairs as he carried me to the room. “Sorry about that,” said Adrian as we enter the room and placed me on the bed. Then I got up and went for the cover and went under the sheet. “It’s ok,” I said, snuggling myself in the bed to be comfortable again. “I love you,” he said covering me with his upper body.

“I love you too,” I replied, closing my eyes to go to sleep when I felt his lips on my cheek.

“Adrian,” I said annoyed.

“Sorry babe. Go sleep,” He said, lying down beside me, waiting for me to fall asleep.


“Come on, Molly,” said Adrian pulling me under a tree.

“Adrian,” I shouted, annoyed. I was trying to pull out of his grasp. As we reach the tree, I was seen with a blanket and a basket.

“Adrian,” I said again.

“Before you say anything, I just wanted us to have a good first actual date,” He said clasping my face in his hand.

“Okay,” I said then he pulled me down on the blanket, making me fall on top of him.

“Adrian,” I squealed in shock.

“Sorry,” He said and pecked my lips then started to officially kiss me, running his hands down my back. Then he managed to turn me over while I was laying on the blanket. Then he started to kiss me again. This time he was running his hands in my hand then my neck until they came down to my arm.  Then I felt his hands going under my skirt.

“Adrian,” I said holding onto his hands.

“It’s a date” I said. I didn’t really feel like doing this on our first official date, though it does feel so good.

“I know but I can’t resist this beautiful mouth and sexy body,” He said kissing me again with more passion, but I pulled away.

“Well, you’re going have to,” I said, getting up.

“Ok,” Adrian said, pouting. For the past hours, we sat down eat and talk and went for a swim.  

We fell asleep under tree. But I woke up to find myself in a bathing suit.  I turned around and I didn’t see him. I got up, quickly pulling on his shirt. I have grown custom to doing that. I got up and started to look around but I couldn’t find Adrian. I looked down at the lake and he was nowhere to be found. Where could he have gone?, I wondered looking around.

“Adrian,” I called out but I got no answer. I kept walking up the lawn but I saw no one.

“Adrian,” I called out again.

“Where the hell could he is?” I whispered to myself. Everything was just in place how we left it when we fell asleep. God. “Adrian,” I called again. For the next hour or so, I kept looking for him so I started to our area again. That’s when I felt someone behind me, and when I felt a touch on my waist, it frightened the hell out of me.

His Private Girlfriend (#1)Where stories live. Discover now