Let's Go to the Mall!

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Pulling the flustered boy up, you attempted to reason with your tenacious classmate. Dragging your foot along the dirt, you drew a lopsided oval around the redhead.

"Now, stay in your circle and, for the love of God, DON'T DO ANYTHING", you commanded, specially emphasizing the last portion of your sentence.

Kirishima, obviously upset by your strict standards, shot up an apologetic look. Puppy dog eyes begging for a lighter sentence, after all he was determined to become a great hero.

Succumbing to his earnest, crimson orbs, you let out maybe your 1000th sigh today.

"Fine", you surrendered, announcing your less harsh set of rules for the injury induced boy, "You can do still do some cardio or whatever, but NO QUIRK"

"Yes Mam!", he declared, back as stiff as a board and eyes now sparkling with anticipation. Spinning on his heel, your Christmas-colored classmate jogged back the equipment center.

Before you could even form your next thought, an audible BOOM resonated in your skull, jagged pieces of rock sent hurling towards several unsuspecting students at ground level. Instantaneously, you zigzagged across the field, grabbing the three students in line of fire, like a skipping checker disk on a playing board. Reappearing at the foot of the disaster zone, you let go of the victims, hunched over, propping your hands onto your knees in exhaustion. Your mind spun, desperate pants escaping your lips as you struggled to regain your composure from rapidly utilizing your quirk like that.

Soft red hues examined your overexerted form, brows furrowing in concern. The observer abruptly turned to the source of the explosion face riddled with discontent.

"Yaoyorozu-san", the spiky-haired blonde reprimanded, "Please be more cautious of your surroundings, there are other students using the training facility as well."

The explosive ravenette, snapped her head towards her classmate's comment, a sinister scowl twisting her usual content features.

"FUCK OFF, POMPOM", she roared, sparks emitting from her clammy palms.

Feeling your breathing normalize, you tilted your head upward adding in your own input. "At least have some tact, Yaomomo", you said.

"Stay out of this, Disapparate", she huffed, "I'll be the first one to master this damn quirk", hands proudly propped on her hips as the pony-tailed girl towered above her classmates on the cliff, looming over the field, like an entitled monarch.

The ex-explosive hero scrunched his nose in irritation, "Please, refrain from talking ill of other people's powers", he suddenly shot up from his seat, confronting the aggressive girl regarding her distasteful comment about his own quirk. The two crimson clad heroes glared each other down, the animosity forming into a suffocating hostile aura.

"Yaomomo... Bakugou-kun", you wracked your brain for something to say to attempt to ease the tension, but alas no luck. Instead, you noticed a cloaked figure wander into a dark cave.

"Todoroki Shouto, Don't You Dare Set Foot In That Cave!", you yelled from below, motherly instincts activating.

The bi-colored boy furrowed his brows in discontent, abruptly whipping around, his back facing you as he sauntered away from the rocky arch. Dark Shadow popped out from behind, childishly sticking its tongue out at you, blowing raspberries to show the shadow hero's obvious unhappiness.

"Where is Aizawa-sensei, anyways?", you thought to yourself in irritation, eyes scanning the perimeter for the teacher that actually had the ability to erase said dangerous quirks. You spotted him on the observation deck, scrunched up in his sleeping bag, like a yellow caterpillar, peacefully dozing off in the soundproof room. "Of fucking course", you sighed.

Mix Up Mayhem (Boku no Hero Academia X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora