Evil Unicorns!

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I lay down in the room as the three little pigs enter. "Hello piglets." I wave and they whisper in each other's ears. "Hmmm, now why don't you speak? I don't mind vulgar language if that's the reason, I honestly don't give a fuck." I state calmly, folding my hands behind my head in a relaxed manner. "You're weird." "Really weird." "Very weird." They all say right after the other. I tilt my head towards them and sit up, leaving my arms behind my head. "Never said I wasn't. No one is normal." I roll my eyes and put my arms down.

"Hey want to hear a song? I learned it from this weird old gypsy lady. She said its from the future." I smile, they look at each other and nod. "Alright then, here goes." I take a deep breath,

"Is it enough to love?

Is it enough to breathe?

Somebody rip my heart out

And leave me here to bleed

Is it enough to die?

Somebody save my life

I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.

Let down your defences

Use no common sense

If you look you will see

that this world is a beautiful

accident turbulent suculent

opulent permanent, no way

I wanna taste it

Don't wanna waste it away

Sometimes I get so weird

I even freak myself out

I laugh my self to sleep

It's my lullaby~."

I smile as I finish the chorus of the song. My voice isn't horrible but it ain't great, I know that much. "I wonder why Charming hasn't asked for my name yet?" I think out loud. "Young master doesn't need names." "Yeah, you've spiked his interest." "Why do you act like this is a fairy tale?" I smile brightly at the last question and jump off the bed, "I enjoy fairytales. The true ones. Where the princess is daring or a rebel in herself. If not I just make them into their own rebel aka myself."

I do a small twirl and curtsy. "To have no fairytale would be horrible. Some end horribly and if they don't you know it isn't a true tale. Exactly why it is called that. A tale. Now, what are your names? I'm Rederella by the way." I flash them a smile to let them know I'm lying. "Tmber." "Thompson." "Canterbury." I nod and smile, "now I have names to my piglets." I place a leather gloved hand to my chin.

"So, did you all come in here for a reason?" I ask, when they look at each other I narrow my eyes slightly then return to my normal facade as fast as it had came. 'They're not normal as in human normal...' "Young Lord wants you to join him for dinner." Timber speaks for all three and I nod. "He'd like you to change as well." Canterbury states before I can take a step towards the door.

I look back at the three and they pull out a dress each. I smile but inside I'm scowling, I hate dresses. I pick the one Canterbury is holding. Its a short black dress that flares at the bottom with splashes of red. The other two are too long.

"Alright, let me go on and change. Please leave the room." I say and they all exit with a bow. I change quickly, slipping my silver slippers that go with most things, since I usually dress darkly. I frown, the staff here is really strange. I wonder could they be.....Unicorns! That's it! Unicorns in disguise, come to steal my chocolate! How dare they!

(A/N: Reaper- Really? / Me- Oh shut up.)

I run out the room and bump into my fairy godmother. "Hello." I greet with a smile, she gives me a kind one back and leads me to the dining room. When we arrive in the room I jump behind Alois and point to the staff. "Oh my gosh, Charming! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ALL ARE?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE LIVING WITH?!" I yell from my position behind him.

They all stiffen up, that just confirms that they're not human. "THEY'RE... UNICORNS!! I SWEAR THEY WANT MY CHOCOLATE!!" I roll on the ground and jump into a crouch position behind the table as they all sweat-drop, even the emotionless ones like big bad glasses!

"Milady, we aren't unicorns nor do we want your...chocolate." Glasses states calmly as Alois giggles. "That's what they all say, until you rip my chocolate right out of my hands." I poke his chest and its weird because he's like three times my size so I have to stand on my tip toes.

"Very well, please take a seat Milady." He pulls out a chair and I go sit in the opposite seat, pulling it out on my own and placing my feet on the table. Not really even caring for my dress. "Its Mi'rebel. Please learn your manners sir." I close my eyes and smirk as I hear him grumble under his breath.

Alois takes a seat and giggles like a school girl. "What's so funny Charming?" I ask him in an overly perky voice. "You are. You act like a slutty wench." I smirk and close my eyes once again, this time using my feet to lean back in my chair. "If that is a part of being rebel, so be it."

I can tell he is getting annoyed that he can't annoy me so easily. Claude serves the food and Alois flings some of it onto my face, giggling. I frown and wipe my face of with a napkin. "Am I annoying you Mi'rebel?" He questions, smiling. I shake my head, "contrary to your belief. This means war." (A/N: She uses Bugs Bunny's voice.)

I pick up my spoon and smile, getting up as I lick it and stick it on his nose so that it sticks to his face. "There. Now isn't that better?" I smile at his disgusted expression and wave to the others. "I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed. 'Prciate the dinner, Charming."

Then I walk to my room with no regrets....my chocolate is missing from my hair bow.


£nd of Chapter~

Evil unicorns always try to steal my Nutella

Reaper the Unicorn- Hey!!






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