I was Five

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I was five. Sitting with the itchy grass curling around my bare feet and my knees splayed. My mother sat in front of me in a lotus position, tranquil and poised. I try to rember her that way. But every time I think of her, I think of the blood dripping from her mouth, her arms outstretched to grab me one more time.

But that was later. At this moment she was at ease. The leaves of the ash trees whispered and the wind wailed. My mother began:

"Amber, baby, listen to me. I have a story for you."

With 'story' my head snapped back to her eyes, away from a doe sipping from the lake.

"There were once two sisters. One, Rowena, was beautiful of body and soul. She was kind and she was awe inspiring . Her sister was thinner than a twig. This was Raven, who was dreamy and misty inside. She didn't like people, and she snapped and snarled often at her beautiful sister."

"The two sisters came upon a forest. They wandered for days. The trees were so thick, no sunlight could be seen. Rowena missed light, she missed the sun. Raven however thrived in the darkness, and became plumper and prettier. Her unkind nature however, became worse. They came across a boulder. Raven rushed towards it saying how beautiful it was, how powerful it was. Rowena stayed back. She could sense its evil. She knew it was behind the corruption of Raven. But Raven touched the rock. And made everything so much worse."

My mother took in a breath.  My eyes were wide, my heart racing.  Hints of anxiety crept into my mind. What would happen to Rowena? What would Raven do?

She continued:

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