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Mais P.O.V.

What was happening? It’s like my world was falling apart. Liam has gone. I’m alone with the tension in this house! Why the hell did he have to leave me?!

When we got home I trudged up the stairs. Passing Liam’s room brought tears to my eyes. I wouldn’t see him for God knows how long and I still had to see his room every day?! I couldn’t deal with that.

My life began its spiral into despair after he left. At home I became a soulless vessel just dragging myself about. I become a zombie. Nothing could bring me back until Liam came home.

School was worse. With Liam there everyone left me alone. Now, it was different. Random people kept giving me their numbers to give to him. Like I would set him up with these sluts. Throwing themselves at anyone with a shred of talent or even anyone considered remotely hot.

Every night was different. Liam and I were on the phone for hours… Well, were on the phone for hours. We haven’t talked in a week and I’m worrying. By Saturday if he hasn’t called me I’m going to freak the hell out.

He’d always been my rock so I guess it’s just time before I crumble. Only one good thing came out of Liam leaving. I made a new friend.

His name is Harry. Harry Styles. Over the past two weeks we’ve become as close as ever. He’s been keeping me stable. Keeping me from falling to the ground. Stopping the tears. He’s the only one holding me together.

He wants to audition too. I’ve begged and pleaded for him not to. I’ve told him the truth about everything. About Liam. The X-Factor. How I’m falling to pieces.

He may be here now, but I know he’s going to leave like everyone else does. Once they realise what happens they always leave me behind. The sharp knife cutting through my heart. Who knew it could hurt so much?

I’m never myself any more. I guess you could say I’m scared of being judged. But let’s climb out of this hole. I have a good story to tell.

The first day I met Harry was a weird one. I was walking the hallways alone, as I usually do. But this time was different. Some guy came up to me and pushed me back.

“You think you’re so much better than all of us don’t you?” He sneered. His lips were curved into a nasty grin.

He loomed high over me, considering I wasn’t that tall it wasn’t that hard. However for the first time in my life I felt threatened. Scared even. Shaking in fear, I shook my head at him.

“Oh you do little Payne. You think you’re all high and mighty since your brother got through again in the X-Factor. Just you wait. This year is going to be your worst nightmare.” He laughed, shoving me back against the lockers.

I have to admit that hurt a bit. Why couldn’t I have stood up for myself? I stood against the lockers until I heard a commotion from down the hall. Sprinting, I sped to see what it was all about.

From my corner I saw the guy who shoved me and a curly haired boy (Harry) in the midst of a fight. Pushing through the crowd I attempted to get in between them. I barely succeeded, managing to get myself punched, but stopping them finally gave me a chance to look at the boys.

“Guys? The hell?” I questioned, finally talking.

“He insulted you…” Curly mumbled.

“Oh.” I stupidly said. Turning around I addressed the other guy. “You’re a twat. Piss off.”

The shock on his face was probably one of the things that made my day. His jaw could’ve hit the floor.

“Close your mouth. You’ll catch flies.” I sassed, already getting tired of seeing him.

A collective giggle went around the group and my confusion came back. Why did I get involved again? Oh! He stood up for me!

“T-thank you… I’m Mais Payne, and you are?” I shyly asked.

“Harry Styles. The Curly haired Muppet.” He smiled.

From there Harry got a 2 day suspension so I had to deal without him for 2 whole days. How did I survive?! But we remained fast friends.

We got closer, but I know it wouldn’t last. Nothing ever does. Not anymore.

In the end I was right. That week, Harry disappeared. I thought he’d been suspended again but he left. For that stupid show. The promise he’d made was broken. He’d promised not to leave. That happiness was short lived. Like always karma always seemed to bite me in the ass.

School passed by in a blur until Friday evening. I got this call. From Harry. An apology for leaving.

He said he had to do this. It was his dream. Always has been. He told me he’d always be my best friend and he’d never forget about me. Our call stopped there.

I would forgive him. Just never forget about it. No-one deserved to be forgotten about. It’s like Lilo and Stich. ‘Ohana means family. Family means no-one gets left behind, or forgotten.’ In a short space of time Harry had become a part of my family. But in an even shorter time, he had left.

That’s all anyone seems to do around me. Leave and never come back. First Liam, now Harry. Would I have to lose everyone to finally be free?

That weekend I watched Harry. Wait… I mean Harry’s audition! He really had the voice of an angel. I wish I could’ve said goodbye. Maybe I should text him? No, it’d destroy his chances. But… I really need to gain closure on this.

“Mais, I’m sorry.” Harry’s voice came from the TV. “I didn’t mean to leave. I’ll be home before you know it. Watch the cat for me yeah?” He smirked, somehow knowing I was watching.

That asshole. He planned that. Sket. Why did he have to do that?! Now I have to continually deal with school.

The next week was torture. Girls were trying to make friends with me just to get in Harrys pants. Get stuffed. Not letting you near him. Slut. Nope. Can I go back to the way we were?

Harry’s audition was the last. This week it was boot camp and all I could think of was how my three lads were going to get along. Niall, Liam and Harry. Holy fudgenuggets… They’re all together! No! Liam will bring out the embarrassing stories again. No, just no.

I guess I’ll have to live with it. I always do don’t I?

By Saturday I was fed up with school. That hell hole that is the living nightmare of all teenagers.

The X-Factor was on TV once again but we were soon disappointed. Liam, Harry and Niall didn’t make it… They were coming home, but I know they wouldn’t be the same.

BANG! In comes the plot twist known as Simon Cowell. A new start. A chance to try again. Together. As a band.

The hesitation in Liam’s eyes was clearly seen. Yet, he still agreed. And thus One Direction was born. Who knew?

The 5 boys with hardly anything in common could mould together so well as to stick with this?I guess, it all goes to show.

Seeing, is believing.

Stay With Me (A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now