Chapter 8

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That evening Dave suggested that anyone who wanted to met in the lobby at 7 for a night on the town as we didn't need to be up early the next day. Maddie and I decided to go. When we got to the lobby it was no surprise to see Sandy already there hanging off Taylor's neck. Maddie rolled her eyes at me "Well she couldn't possibly miss out on an opportunity like this could she." she said and I couldn't help but giggle.

We made our way over to the others still laughing. "Are you sure you two haven't been out drinking without us?" Taylor asked grinning.

"Nope. Totally sober." I told him and then looked at Maddie and started laughing again.

"If this is what you're like sober I can't wait to see you drunk." he replied.

"Behave yourself Hawkins" Dave said pretending to be stern "They're not here for your entertainment." Taylor pulled a face like he was disappointed and Maddie and I laughed even more. "Although I have to admit" Dave went on "I'd love to know what's so fucking funny."

"Sorry" Maddie told him "absolutely secret. Can't tell you I'm afraid."

"They're just being childish." Sandy snapped. We looked at her and then at Taylor and Dave before all four of us started laughing. Sandy huffed and stomped off towards the other side of the lobby.

"Maybe I should go talk to her." Maddie said through her giggles.

"Nah, she'll be back in a few minutes." Taylor told her.

Sure enough by the time we were ready to leave Sandy was back by Taylor's side all smiles and making eyes at him. I walked away to talk to Shifty and Pat and Maddie followed me.

When everyone was ready we all headed off to a restaurant that the hotel had recommended to Dave. We were shown to a large, rectangle table and we all started to sit around it. Maddie sat one side of me and Taylor sat himself the other with Dave the other side of him. Sandy scowled at me as she sat down opposite Taylor. I looked away feeling quite uncomfortable.

Food and drinks were ordered and we all started to chat and laugh. I enjoyed being with the band, everyone was so much fun. Everyone except Sandy. She spent the evening making horrible comments to me whenever she could. She was making me feel more and more awkward as the night went on.

We'd almost finished eating when I received a text message from my parents. I excused myself, as I wanted to read the text by myself, and I walked out to the hallway and read it. It was a lovely message telling me how much they missed me and saying they hoped I was having a good time. I sent them a message back saying I was fine and having the time of my life although at that exact moment I really wasn't. Sandy had made me feel inferior as she talked about everything she had done with the band in the past and how wonderful she was and that it would take time for anyone else to settle in like she had. She even said that some people just weren't cut out for this way of life as she looked directly at me. The message from my parents reminded me of home and how much I missed them. Even though I was 32 I was really close to my parents and usually we saw each other a couple of times a week. Being on tour made that impossible. I sighed. The party feeling I've felt when we arrived was gone and I kinda wanted to go back to the hotel and just call my mum and chat instead.

I was just on my was back to the others to tell them that my plan for tonight had changed when I walked straight into Dave. "Sorry." I muttered embarrassed.

"Is there something going on?" he asked.

"Yeah. Well. I think I'm gonna go back to the hotel and call my parents..." I said without really looking him in the eye.

"Really?" he asked "The message you received, it wasn't bad news was it?"

I looked at him and felt confused. How did he know about the text?

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