chapter 6- dangerous new job.

Start from the beginning

Must be sex. it has to be.

Then i walked towards my meeting room.


Fays POV:

I about shit myself when i found Sebastian in his study still. Hell i went five minutes late to ensure he'd be gone. Leave it to him to over work though.

I cant thank Chelsea enough.

We were walking back to the study, after seeing that he left..

"You know he's going to wonder why you alter you smell so you mask it." she muttered.

I bite me lip, "i think he was about to. Hopefully he comes up with a excuse in his head. If he makes me talk i am damn well done for."

She laughed, "You got that right. Hey i have to go the the Dining room. Sebastian has a meeting and i have to take snacks to his meeting room. I don't want to get in trouble so see you!"

I waved goodbye before heading into the study.

It was pretty clean, just needed to be dusted and swept. I looked around to find a desk at the center of the room against the wall. A few shelves about it which held personal things. The were file cabinets, and a rolly seat. I love rolly seats.

I got out the duster and spray from my hand held cleaning box. It had dusting supplies, Windex, carpet cleaner, and smelling spray.

What do i use the Windex on?

I looked around a found three windows in dire need of cleaning.

I shook my head in understatement. It was nice to have someone inspect the room to find out what cleaning supplies you need.

I started to clean the windows until they were spotless, the i dusted the wooden furnishing like the dresser, and table at the right side of the room.

I had to leave to find a broom, but i found one in a cleaning closet only a door down from the study.

That's nice to have one close. I wont bump into Sebastian as easily.

I went back to the study after checking the hallway, and swept the floors perfectly.

I know he told me not to touch his desk but its so awful looking.

I decided to clean it anyways. All the papers were put together with paper clips already. I stuff each different stack in a folder and stacked the folders at the edge of the desk. i dusted the wooden top, and smiled at my finished work. I checked the clock by the door. It read 4:28.

I was supposed to be done a hour and a half ago! He may come back at anytime! 

I took the broom and ran into the hallway after again checking. I stuffed it into the closet, and rushed to the 'dressing room'

Chelsea was waiting for me, with wide eyes.

"What took so long!"

"I kind of lost track of the time." i muttered back.

"You're lucky he was still in his meeting!" she fired on.

"I know. I'm sorry. I have to be more careful."

"Yeah, you do. It isn't just your ass on the line now, Fay." 

I felt awful. It was true. If Sebastian found out that she was helping me keep his mate away, god knows what he'd do.

"Im sorry!"

She shook her head, "forget it, its okay. Just be more careful. We can go back to our rooms. We have two hours till we serve Dinner."

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