It was a warm spring day, the sun beating down on them and a very slight breeze rustled through the trees keeping them cool. His statement immediately brought the tone down. Lauren kept Sam close to her chest as Joey reached for her hand as naturally and instinctively as breathing and she couldn't help but enjoy this new version of normal despite the mood dampener. She marvelled at how quickly they'd settled into their partnership, almost as if their coming together had been written in the stars. She felt so comfortable and safe in Joey's presence it was as if her life hadn't quite started before he entered her world.

Lauren wondered what the future held for them as they walked down her street hand in hand. Would this be them ten years down the line? Would they be holding a real baby? Would there be matching rings on their fingers? She had absolutely no doubt that they were going to last. But what she did doubt was whether Joey was ever going to ask her to be his girlfriend officially. She loved him like mad but she felt like there was still a divide between them, something that stopped her from being completely honest and truthful with him, something that halted her from saying just how madly in love with him she was. Was he keeping his options open? Or did he just assume they were in a relationship like Simba and Nala? Either way, she was determined to find out by the end of the day even if she had to corner him at the party.

He pushed open the door to Coffee #1 and ushered her through; she made a beeline for her favourite table in the back and Joey followed, taking a seat opposite her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring the mood down," he said, the second they were settled.

"What?" Lauren asked, bouncing Sam on her knee gently.

"The whole having to hand Sam back tomorrow thing," he said, gesturing to the baby on her leg.

"Oh," she had been so in her own head about Joey she'd forgotten he'd even said that, "it's okay, I'm gonna miss him but I think we got something much better out of the experience," Lauren smiled softly at him, hoping he'd pick up on her hint and just confirm, out loud, that they were together.

"And what's that?" He asked oblivious. She narrowed her eyes at him waiting for him to click.

"Are you serious?"

"Well without Sam we don't have a reason to spend so much time together do we?" Joey asked, tilting his head to the side to look at her confused.

"I," Lauren started before stopping, completely out of her depth.

"Baby I'm joking," He grinned and she leaned across the table to slap him on the arm, a shaky laugh escaping her throat.

"You're not funny," she warned but she was smiling and so was he. He took her hand from across the table and squeezed it.

"I'm gonna miss him too," he said, lifting her palm to his lips and pressing a kiss there, "but I think we're going to be just fine without him," Joey grinned, interlacing their fingers. Lauren cocked her head, smiling at him adoringly. "Iced cold brew?" he asked.

"With a-"

"Shot of vanilla and almond milk, I know," Joey rolled his eyes fondly and slid from the table.

Lauren watched him stand in the queue frustrated. He had had the perfect opportunity to say something like 'I'm glad I got you out of this whole experience' something that would let her know that he truly thought of her as his girlfriend. Whilst what he had actually said was very sweet it wasn't what she wanted. Why wouldn't he just ask her damn it? She watched him place their order and pay, a smile on his face the entire time, oblivious to the torment Lauren was going through. Sam let out a small cry which Lauren had come to learn meant he was hungry so she reached for her bag, pulling out his bottle and held it to his lips.

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