Chapter One

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I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. Please read my prologue if you havent already, I have changed it since it wasnt fitting the story anymore. I hope you enjoy but if not, I'm writing this for myself.


~Chapter one~

I take one final glance at my reflection. Normally on the first day back at school I would have dressed up and tried to look as hot as I possibly could to get the guy’s attention, but after the summer break, I didn’t want too. So instead, I was wearing navy wash jeans with cuts across them showing a bit of skin, a black tank top with my black, leather biker jacket and my black docs. It wasn’t dressy, but it wasn’t sweats either. I play with my hair a bit and notice that I look like I was dressing up to support Essendon. My fiery, red hair finishes down my lower-back and I love it. It got annoying when I was training though.

I walk out of my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I say a quick goodbye to my parents as I pass them in the kitchen and head down the cream coloured hallway to the outside world. I get to about five steps and mutter a curse.

“Shit, my phone.” I run back inside to my room, grabbing my phone from the charger and dashing back outside to make my bus. I get to the stop just in time and smile at the driver.

“Hey Joe.” He gives me a wide, toothy smile in return. Well it would be a toothy smile, if he had any teeth to begin with. I make my way to the back seats where I normally sit, and I see a few people that I don’t like and give them a hard glare as I go past.

“Maddy!” The voice was so familiar that I didn’t even have to look in the direction that it was coming from to know who it was.

“Charlie!” Thick arms surrounds me and I lean into the hug. It was so home-like and loveable that I couldn’t help but hug him a bit tighter. “It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.” He nods in response but doesn’t let me go.

“I need everyone to sit down please!” Joe yells to us and we giggle.

“Sorry Joe!” We quickly sit down in our spots at the back, and start an endless conversation about our holidays. We barely ever got to see each other since I was always busy.

“…and then one of my flip flops broke so I was walking around Las Vegas barefoot because having I threw them both out.” As I roll my eyes, I notice how his blonde hair had grown a little longer and was a seemingly lighter shade than it was when I last saw him.

“You need a haircut.” I ruffle his hair as I say this and he slaps my hand away.

“Maddyyyyy…” He whines. “And my hair may have gotten longer but you’re the one with new hot body!” He winks at me and I can’t help but burst out laughing. “But seriously, how did you get that in six weeks? I didn’t even leave the couch for two weeks apart from to piss and eat. Oh and to shit.”

“Oh gross Charlie! That is too much information,” I laugh and punch his shoulder lightly. “And it’s because of all the extra training dad made me do. Sam worked me to the bone this summer but I got my revenge.” I smirk at Charlie as I remember the time that Sam was on the floor groaning in pain for about four hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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