Episode 3: First touch

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Imagine: Tom Hiddleston
Part 3

You spent the night at the hospital. The next morning, you put on your duty coat and went into the patient's room to see if he's okay.

'Hey you're awake. How do you feel?' You asked.
'I'm okay. Just a bit dizzy,' he smiled at you.
'Gene, why are you here? I thought you were in L.A,' you asked him, trying to make things clear.
'Yeah, I just decided to fly to you. And I don't think I would want to say goodbye to you when you were mad at me,' he smiled softly at you.
'Yah, you should've accepted my offer back then,' you rolled your eyes at him.
You put your hand on his forehead to measure his temperature. It was a bit warm.
'Next time, drive carefully,' you casted a side glance at him.
'Yeah, I was just sad and worried that what if you hated me for not coming to London with you to work together,' he looked sad.
'No,I understand that your mom will be alone if you come here. It's okay, Gene,' you smiled at him and slightly brushed his hand.
'I've never seen such a clumsy doctor who put himself into the surgery room,' you smirked at him.
'But I've got a great doctor who took a very good care of me,' he smiled and winked at you.
'You're such an ass!' you yelled, but in a low tone.
'Next time if you put yourself in such a situation, I'll just let you die!' you yelled.
'Alright, Miss. I will be careful next time,' he chuckled.

Eugene is a very good friend of yours. He's always been there beside you no matter what. You're his best friend and he's yours. He has short brownish hair and deep blue eyes.

*Knock knock*
'Come in,' you said.
'Oh, Hey, Tom! Why are you here?' you asked. Eugene was shocked to see Tom. But he still kept quiet, not to interrupt the conversation.
'I just got a free track,' he said.
'Oh really?' you smiled at how obvious he's saying.
'Eheh. Nah, I just wanted to see you,' Tom looked shy.
'Haha, okay, Tom. Oh and this is Eugene Anderson. Eugene, he's Tom,' you introduced both of them.
'Tom, he's my best friend since we were kids. We were also neighbors back in hometown. He's also a doctor. Well, as you see, a clumsy doctor. Yet He's my only best friend,' you said.
'And Eugene, this is Tom Hiddl-,' you were trying to say but Eugene cut you off and said, 'Oh my god! Gabriella, are you serious? I know him for f**k sake. He's LOKI!!!!' he was amazed to see Tom.
'Alright, Mr. Anderson. Language please,' you rolled your eyes. But Eugene didn't seem to care what you said.

Tom laughed at both of you.
'Hey, man. Nice to meet you. I'm Ella's friend. Are you okay?,' Tom said shaking hands with Eugene.
'I'm very very fine Mr. Hiddleston,' he posed a very huge smile.
'Please, call me Tom,' Tom said smiling at Eugene.
'Okay, Tom. So we are best friends now, okay? You, me and Gabriella' Eugene said chuckling.
You and Tom laughed together at Eugene.

'Tom, I'll see you in my room. It's just down the right corner. There's my name on the door,' you said, 'I'll be right there.'
'Alright, Ella. I'll see you there. You guys take time,' Tom waved to Gene and walked out of the room.

'Ella, you're such a lucky woman! How on earth did you meet Tom Hiddleston?!?,' Gene was still amazed.
You laughed, 'Turn your voice down, dork. I met him at the airport. We were in a same plane. Also, we got to sit side by side'
'Man, this is the first time I feel lucky to be friend with you,' he laughed.
'You're such an ass, GENE!' you hit his arm.
'Hey, don't treat a patient like this, Doctor Bee. Also, it wasn't a lie,' he continued teasing you.
'What-so-ever. I'm going to see him. Take a rest, ASS,' you smirked at Eugene and went off to your room.

'Hey,' you said to Tom.
'Oh hey. How's Eugene? Is his condition bad?' He asked.
'Nah, he's better than okay.' You rolled your eyes and smiled.
'Great, now I can finally have time with you,' Tom said looking at you.

You sat beside him and stared at him, smiling. His deep green eyes attracted you and made you wanted him more. At that moment, you wanted him more than anything else in the world. And you loved being like this. He's not like any other guy you've met. You've dated three guys before but they didn't treat you well so you're a bit afraid of falling in love. But then, Tom was making you wanted to feel love. Again.

He stroke your hair on your face and slightly brushed your cheek. You were shocked and shy at a same time.

'Oh, I'm sorry. I just- I- 'he said haltingly.
You laughed at him. Even though he looks like a man, he's just a kid when he's shy.
  I know, right? How cute is that!

You squeezed his cheek back and he laughed at it.
'So, are you staying here till night?' he asked you.
'I think so. I've to stay with Gene until he gets better,' you replied.
'Oh okay,' he said, 'Call me when you need any help, okay?'
'Wait, are you leaving already? It's just 10am. Do you have any shootings to go?,' you said clingy.
'No, I don't have shootings these days. I'm having a month free. I just don't want to bother you,' Tom said.
'No, it's okay. I can stay with you here. Also I get someone to talk to. And Gene's sleeping already,' you smiled at Tom.
'Well, Okay then. Sounds great,' he exposed a smile at you back, 'Are you tired? Have you had a great sleep last night?'
'Yeah, Tom. Don't worry too much. I'm fine,' you smiled.

Tom was staring at you again. Again with those deep green eyes he has. And again, you're so much into his eyes that you couldn't see anything except Tom. He slowly leaned over to you and held your face in his hand. He brushed your face with his thumb, softly. You blushed and bit your bottom lip.

'God, you're so beautiful, Ella,' Tom said admiring how beautiful you were.
You blushed even more and your cheeks were already turning pinkish.

He leaned over more and brushed his lips against yours. You both closed your eyes. You kissed him back. It was a slow and soft kiss but also a very passionate one. You moaned as Tom's tongue played with yours. Tom put your head between his hands and kissed you even more roughly. But you just put your hands still on the chair.

You pulled over and said, 'I-I'm sorry, Tom.'
'Why? What's wrong?' Tom looked confused.
'We've only known for a couple of days yet. I think we should get to know more about each other,' you said, looking down at the floor.
'You're right, Ella. I'm sorry,' he said licking his bottom lip.

But then the moment was cut off by a knock on the door.
'Um Come in,' you said.
'Doctor, the medical superintendent is having a meeting now,' a nurse came in and said.
'Alright, I'll be there,' you said.

The nurse closed the door.

'I think I've to go now, Tom. See you later,' you said goodbye to Tom.
'Okay. See you, Ella,' he smiled at you and you both walked your own paths.

-End Of Part:3-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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