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||Aeris' P.O.V.||

Tears streamed down my face, as I was embraced with the people you cherished the most. "Aw, please don't cry!" "Y-You're crying?! D-Don't *hiccup* cry! You b-big baby! It's n-not... *sob* like you!" "Cheer up, kiddo!" "Let it all out." "It's okay! We're here!" "YOU'RE 78% MADE OF STARDUST!" "Chillax, my guy." "*splutters* You're so valid hunny!" "If you ever need to talk to someone, we're always here for you." "It's gonna be okay. You're okay." Everyone was speaking at the same time, so I couldn't follow along with everybody. "I'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm crying because I'm here with all of you." I said, trying not to get words stuck in my throat. "Thank you, everyone. I really... appreciate you guys... I can't believe... I-I..." I couldn't speak all the way through. The rush of emotions wouldn't let me talk. I didn't finish my sentence. All I could do was enjoy the moment while it lasted.

"We l..." they began speaking, but their voices faded away. Along with their voices, their bodies started fading away. There was a sudden splash that I heard behind me. It was water, except instead of the water being clear, it was pure black. It was filling up the room quickly, and I couldn't breathe when the water level reached above my head. Suddenly, it didn't feel like I was in water anymore. It felt like I was falling down a hole. I couldn't see anything, until I saw a small bright yellow ball of light at the end of the fall. Just before I was able to grab it, it disappeared. 

I opened my eyes.


A/N: This is like an Epilogue. Just clarifying so you don't get confused in the next chapter.

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