~1 Meets Us

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Hi I'm Park Chanyeol  (sorry I don't know his whole name -_-). You know me I'm so not everybody's Ideal type… Why? I don't get Jealous that means I don't have a crush, second I don't have respect to everybody even my parents, third I'm not everybody that believe in Fairy tales happy endings blah blah, fourth I don't have ambitions because I got what I need, I only need is finish studying and let mom find a way that I'll have a work, and mostly I live a life without a DREAM…

So you understand why everybody must hate me? I love myself even I have those personalities girls still love me, my friends still hang out with me… This year my classmates told me that I changed a bit… I don't know why but I agree with them… I do respect my fans a bit right now… And I don't bully much right now…

So nice to meet you guyz!


Hi I'm Carmel Chavez… I'm not a Ideal girl, I'll tell you why. First I'm a bookworm, I love books, Valedictorian. I don't have any friends, and the reason is I'm boring, and the most is I'm Ugly…

I don't know why people don't appreciate my beauty it's not that I'm not being feeler but I do appreciate my own beauty. Maybe they're not interested to know my beauty because of my boringness. Maybe?

Whatever! I'm just happy what I have now, and how do I live now. Even tough my school doesn't want to be close with me, I have still the library. ^_^


Hi! I'm Shella Baclayon. Okay it's not I'm being feeler but I'm just telling the truth. I'm pretty, cute, attractive, talented. Everyone likes me even those nerd boys fell in love in me.

I'm in the cheer dance and in acting. I just love being a cheer dance because it shows me who I am and my crush  Park Chanyeol is also a basketball player.

As you know I'm letting him fall In love with me.

Joy Adonis

Hi I'm Joy Adonis! I'm everyone's ideal type, and losing is not my style. If someone will do something bad to my eyes I'll make sure that girl is crushed!

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So guyz hope you like my first chapter.

And guyz warning if you found something wrong to my story please comment!

Thanks! Keep reading! ☺

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