Telling him

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Marinette POV-
I was doing homwork and thinking on how i will tell chat that he is going to be a father, *tap tap* oh my god, he's here...okay calm down marinette.

"Hi kitty"

"Hello fair princess" he said while bowing

"Ummm, Chat can i ask you something?"

3rd prson POV-

" Of course princess" he was starting to get worried.

"Y-you know what we did about 2 weeks ago?" her cheeks were slowly turing red

He thought "yes" he still didnt know what ahe was getting at, but he had and idea

"Did we or did we not use a condom?"

Reality hit him, this girl was carrying his baby "Oh my god Mari, are you..."

"Yes Chat, i am pregnant...and your the daddy" she started to cry "Are you dissapointed, are you going to leave me, do you want him, should we abo-" He put his finger over her lips

"No im not dissapointed, Hell no, i am not leaving you, he is my baby, of course i want him, and i dont think we should abort him."

She was sobbing now "H-how do we t-tell the others?"

He smiled "Well first of all, you might not want to tell anyone that Chat Noir is the father, you have to know who i am."

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