5. What's your favorite thing to draw?
Also eyes, mouths, wings, things with cool lighting, things with wacky colors, basically the fun stuff.

6. What's your least favorite thing to draw?
Backgrounds, and trying to get stupid anatomy correct in drawings.

7. How often do you use references?
All. The. Time. It is perfectly okay to use references, in fact, it's better if you do! Don't let someone tell you otherwise.

8. Do you draw professionally, or just for fun?
Currently just for fun. This year, however, I have to put together an official portfolio of art for college, so that might change soon.

9. How much time do you spend drawing on an average day?
Currently not much, I've been stupidly busy.
BUT THIS YEAR. Counting my art classes and free time I'll have to draw, it should be around three to five hours. I'm so excited scrEEEE.

10. Are you confident with your art?
hECK NO. But it's fun, and I know I'm improving, so as long as I'm happy doing it, I know I don't need to worry.

11. How many art-related blogs do you follow?
...What else am I supposed to follow?

12. Is it okay for people to ask about your process?

13. Do you prefer to keep your art personal, or do you like drawing things for other people?
I have plenty of OCs, trust me, but we all know that I draw just as much fanart.

14. Do you ever collaborate with others?
Yep? I have several times! Even if I don't... always get stuff done as quickly as I want to.

15. How long does an average piece take you to complete?
I've gotten must quicker at finishing stuff once I really get going, so around three to four hours?
That changes depending on motivation and stuff.

16. Do you draw today more than you did in the past, or do you draw less?
Currently less, but I feel like I've been improving more, because I've been trying more new stuff.
But then lately I haven't had much time to draw recently either.

17. Do you think you're justified in giving other people art advice?
Anyone can give good art advice, even if they aren't an artist. And while I may not know everything, I think I can definitely give at least some good advice, just like how I need good advice too.

18. What are you currently trying to improve on?
EVERYTHING. That's another reason I haven't finished much stuff. I'm trying so many new things that's it's all getting mixed up and I have too much to do.

19. What if the most difficult thing for you to draw?
Backgrounds and drawings from different perspectives. Also. buildings.

20. What is the easiest thing for you to draw?

21. Do you like to challenge yourself?
Yes and no. It's weird.

22. Are you confident that you're improving steadily?
I'm improving, I know that. Maybe not always steadily, but everyone has setbacks.

23. Do you draw more fanart, or more original art?
It depends on the week. Usually it's about even if I'm being totally honest.

24. Do you feel jealous when you see other people's art, or inspired?
Being honest, I have an issue with being very jealous. That's why (a long time ago) I used to have an issue with tracing. Yep. I did that. I would feel bad because I wasn't as good, so I fixed it by copying art I liked.
But I'm better than that now, and while I may still get jealous very easily, I think it's better to take that and use it as a reason to inspire myself to do better.

25. Do you like to draw in silence, or with music?
I prefer to draw with music. Even if when I start to draw I completely zone out and stop hearing the music.

26. For digital artists: what program(s) do you use?
Drawing- Medibang
Drawing and animation- FireAlpaca
Animation- TVpaint (I downloaded a totally legit version. Yep. I still don't know how to use it though. So technically I'm still learning how the hECK it works.)
Editing- Adobe After Effects

27. For digital artists: How many layers does a typical piece take.
Enough layers to put an onion to shame.
Na, it really depends. It can be anywhere from ten to over fifty.

28. For traditional artists: what medium do you like most?
Pens, marker, colored pencil, watercolor

29. For traditional artists: How do you usually start in a piece?
A sketch. Sometimes it's a light sketch, sometimes it isn't and the lines are so heavy that when I try to erase them they sTAY THERE AND DONT GO AWAY.

30. What inspires you to not just make art, but to be a better artist?
(This is gonna sound cheesy, so brace yourself.)
A lot of it is because of you! All of you.
If I hadn't started posting art here a few years ago, and if people wouldn't have motivated and encouraged me to keep drawing, I probably wouldn't be drawing anymore. I always wanted to be an artist or animator, but I used to never think it was reasonable. But then people encouraged me and actually saw what I was doing, and I became more motivated. I had a reason to draw. I guess I wasn't just drawing for myself anymore, my drawings were making other people happy, and I was happy, so here I am today!
Thank you, and I once again apologize if that sounded too sappy. I tried, okay?

Ah so I guess I gotta tag some other artist peeps out there?

You already know what I'm about to do.

Hey, you. Yeah you, you like to draw, don't you? Yep. You count. You're an artist. You've been tagged. Do the tag. Thanks~


Hey, this was fun. Thanks if you actually read all of this. If you did, have a cookie.


Stuff I've Drawn #6Where stories live. Discover now