Chapter 1

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So here we have Chapter 1! I hope you guys enjoy this story!


Chapter 1:

Rose's POV:

I heard the buzzer go off on my alarm

for what it seemed to be the hundredth time... I h a t e m o r n i n g s w i t h a p a s s i o n... After debating whether I want to go to school/hell, I decided since school was almost out, and I had straight A's I had to maintain, why not. See at school I'm known as the teachers pet, or a nerd. But I'm sorry if I want a better career then working at McDonald's for the rest of my life.

I got out of bed and screamed! Cold floor plus bare feet equals a very unhappy me. I then slowly made my way into my bathroom to take a quick shower, afterwards I dried my hair, and thank The Lord that I was blessed with naturally straight hair, I decided to leave it down. I did my makeup which consisted of concealer, mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss. I changed into a Ramones tank top, black shorts, and a pair of vans since it was supposed to be hot today and my school believes in no air conditioning so yayyyyy me.... I rushed down stairs to get a quick bite to eat, which was a granola bar, kissed my mom goodbye, and out the door I went.

I enjoy walking so I walk to school instead of taking the bus. When I finally got to Eagle Ridge High, I groaned knowing that I had to see this place for four more days, it being a Monday, and yes add this on my list of things I hate. I walked through the doors and to my locker where I grabbed the books I needed for the first period class: World History. I love all my classes but with history, I'm sorry but I still haven't had a history book containing people that are living. While walking to my classroom I heard someone yell my name,


I turn around to see my bestfriend Anna, waving at me. You see, Anna is a kinda tall blonde with hazel eyes, and a VERY energetic personality. I waved back awkwardly since everyone was staring at us. She ran up to me and gave me a huge hug.

"Didn't think you would go to class without me huh?" Anna stated

"Wouldn't dream on it" I replied laughing.

We finally got to our classroom and walked to our seats. Shelby, the school's human mattress was sucking a guys face off a couple desk down, and to be honest, I think she was hurting the poor unfortunate soul. Shelby is the head cheerleader (yes I know but some stereotypes can be real). She thinks she owns school, and trust me, let her have her way because things can get ugly (almost like her fake tan). Anna and I wanted to throw up from the two going at it, but the bell rung so we found our seats and waited for the teacher to arrive.

After more classes, lunch, and even more classes, I waited for that bell to ring, and when it did, I bolted out of the doors. I rushed to put my books away, wanting to just get home and sleep, but I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see Anna right next to me.

"I know you're going to probably say no and yell at me for asking but will you listen to me first?" There's this party tonight, and it's like the almost out of school fling, and I was wondering if you could maybe possibly come with me tonight? Pleaaaaasssssseeeeeeee?? Just this once"

"Come on Anna, you know how I feel about parties, there not my kind of thing"

"Just this once!!!!!! I promise I won't ask you again!!"

"If I say yes will you let me go home?"

"Yes! Just please!"

"Fine I will come, when and where is it?"

"Luke's house, 7:30"

"Wait who's Luke?"

"He's the cutie in a band duhhh"

If a guy wasn't in a band at this school, he probably would be an outcast because almost every guy is in a band.

"Ok I guess I'll see you tonight then"

"Bye Rose!"

"Bye Anna"

I walked home and collapsed onto my bed, thinking of what an idiot I am for agreeing to go to this party tonight. I went downstairs for some dinner since my mom was at the hospital she works at. After eating, I looked at the clock to see it was 6:15, crap I need to be getting ready for the party! I quickly rushed upstairs to figure out what I was going to wear. After around fifteen minutes, I decided on a plain Tiffany blue t-shirt, white shorts, and sandals. I quickly fixed my makeup, and curled my hair.

After I got done, I looked at the clock reading 7:15, I rushed down stairs grabbed my house keys and rushed out the door.


That's the first chapter guys! I'm also looking for someone to make a cover because ya I suck at making them. So if you want to help me a ton, and get a shout out, comment below!

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