The Message

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He is coming, the Son of Man, the Prince of Righteousness; peace be to those who honor Him in righteousness. Nations will cower in fear of His Presence. The wicked will flee from Him in terror; they know the judgment of Christ is within Him.

"My Son will avenge His untimely death - His blood will be shed no more. Man took from Me that which should not have been taken. I allowed this, a feat that He should not have underwent. I have tried and you have not learned. Fear My wrath or meet your end.

"To My faithful you have forsaken, I give you My sorrow and My love. You who have feared Me and done right by the LORD will be rewarded, as only I can do. I truly love each and every one of you, for I am a loving God.

"Hear My warning, mend your ways, accept My Son in your hearts. This day cometh as told in the prophecy of My faithful servant. He speaks My truth, as I have allowed him to do so.

"This day the LORD GOD promised you, it was written about in the books of the prophets. Did you read My Word? The Word of the LORD your God. Not another day shall pass when you blaspheme Me and all I have created. The sun will rise to its highest point and My Son shall be glorified above it. He will descend upon the earth with His army of angels bringing death and destruction to those with nonbelief - then you will know that I, the LORD, sent Him in My glory, to fulfill My prophecy, as He faithfully did once before.

"I show My vengeance upon the people of the earth never to be forsaken again. I have not changed and remain faithful to this day, to those who have followed My law through the New Covenant created through My Son by the order of Melchizedek. Peace be to those who remained faithful to My Word.

"To those who have chosen to walk in their own ways - I will neither show mercy nor relent upon their destruction; I will rid the earth of them. They will come before Me and be judged in righteousness. I will show no mercy for their wicked deeds. They will be thrown into the lake of fire and die a thousand deaths on a daily basis.

"I have tried to love all men and cannot muster a grain or morsel of sympathy for their behavior. My Son, whom sent by Me, offered and showed more love than the stars of the night, a love that should suffice for all the coming generations. But you shunned Him for selfish motives and lack of understanding. This is His day, a day to judge all the nations, a day of His vengeance, a day of His Righteousness, a day never to be forgotten," 'thus sayeth His Father, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the Omnipotent.' "

"I, the LORD, am speaking, saying, 'I will not relent upon the earth. Many men will die on this day - the Day of Righteousness. Prophets have spoken My Word, as I have instructed, but you would not listen. I sent My Son to you, and still you would not listen. He died for your sins, yet still you doubted His message. I am giving you a warning for all the nations to hear - I am your God, loving yet powerful, and I will show My Power unless you change your ways. Love and accept My Son as your Savior, and love one another equally as well. This is the only way to save yourselves!

'The people of the earth, as I knew they would, have grown more evil and wicked on each and every passing day. You have not learned to fear Me. Yea though I walk through the shadow of the Valley of Death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me - many of you recite this, but do you know what it means? I will be with you, as long as you are with Me. I love those who fear the LORD, and many of you don't. Help one another and mend your ways. My Son is coming in righteousness and you must be prepared.

'The earth will grow quiet as this day nears. Money will be of no importance, as I said. The earth will be as I intended, bare and forthcoming before this day. You will enter the tribulation before this day cometh. Man will be humbled before the great day of My Son's return.

'Hopefully you will understand My great strength over man. For you were not birthed to destroy but to love, not to hate but to make merry/marry. Your sins are many, and I know each and every one of them; repent, and they will be no more. This is why I sent My Son to you - He died for all man's sin.

'Man has abused the earth, which appalls Me. He covets things of the world. Did I not provide all the necessities of life? Yet you still want more. The poor are in need like never before. All of you will experience this need before the return of My Son. Man will battle one another for a morsel of food. You will also be in darkness, for there will be no light. Those of you that endure will be rewarded for your efforts. Man will truly be equal before the coming of My Son. You cannot prepare as lawlessness will abide during this time. I have spoken.' "

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