Never Enough

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And then things take a turn for the worse. The older man is reaching out, trying to touch glasses guy's shoulder, and the younger man is backing up to avoid his touch. The older man says something that Jeremy can't hear, and the other guy is frantically shaking his head no, trying to get out of the situation, but his protests continue to go ignored. "Are you seeing this?" Jeremy asks Rich, who is also watching with wide eyes. "Should I go do something?"

"Yeah, yeah go, I'll watch your drink," Rich encourages.

"I'm scared. What if he tries to fight me or something?" He's a lot bigger than Jeremy, he could definitely take him down. But the older man is closing in, trying to grab at the other's waist, and nobody's doing anything about it and Jeremy can't let it go on for any longer. "Alright. Here it goes."

Jeremy leaves his seat at the bar alone, with Rich applauding him as he approaches the scene. "Hey, what's going on here?" Jeremy asks, trying to sound more confident, but his voice is as shaky as his hands. He shoves them in his pockets so they won't see.

"I'm just trying to be friendly, but he's being a dick," the older one says. Jeremy's never seen anything happen like this in this club. He'd been to other bars where he saw it happen way too often, but everyone in this club was usually surprisingly respectful, despite the...unusual circumstances.

Jeremy says the first thing that comes to mind. "He's my boyfriend," he blurts, his voice still sounding weak. "So...fuck off."

The younger guy, who Jeremy has just proclaimed is his boyfriend, doesn't agree, but he doesn't disagree either. He just looks at him, confused but grateful. "The more the merrier," says the asshole, who is relentless and persistent, and the more he says the more he pisses Jeremy off. He wants to punch the guy, but he knows that'll only get him kicked out, and it's not like he'd do much damage anyway with how scrawny he is.

"I can get you kicked out of here," Jeremy says, looking back at Rich for reassurance, who gives him a thumbs up from behind the bar. It sounds like an empty threat, but it's true. He can get anyone kicked out, really, because he can easily have Rich call security. "Get the hell out of here before the police get involved and you have to be escorted out of here wearing...that." It's easily one of the ugliest things Jeremy has ever seen, fake black leather that barely covers him with chains attached — the stereotypical kind of thing someone might expect from a place like this.

That idea seems to get it through his head that Jeremy is not fucking around, and he disappears into a back room, presumably to change into clothes that he can walk outside in. "Uh, thanks," the younger man says, outstretching his hand. "Michael, by the way."

"Jeremy," he says, accepting the handshake. Now that he's closer to him and the old prick is out of the way, Jeremy gets a better look at him. There are dark eyes behind his glasses, darting around the room like he isn't sure what to expect next. His skin is dark as well, so clear and smooth. "You seem like you're new to this type of thing," he adds, judging by the way Michael is trying to watch everything that's happening all at once.

"Never been to a place like this before," Michael laughs. Maybe Jeremy won't get what he needs from him, but he could at least make a new friend out of this. God knows he needs more of those. "It's intense."

"It is," Jeremy agrees with a nod, looking around. He could never do anything weird in public like these people do, but it's the only place he can come to find people that can give him what he needs. "Do you want a drink?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," Michael says. Jeremy leads him over to the bar where Rich is waiting patiently and he sits down at his stool from earlier, taking a sip of his beer.

Rich glances back and forth between the two of them, arms resting on the bar. He's got the biggest smile on his face as he grabs a glass and sets it down in front of Michael. "This is Rich," Jeremy introduces him. "He's hot and taken."

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