Chapter 1

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Tyler let out a shaky breath as he tried to keep up with Josh, as they finished their last lap at the end of lacrosse practice.

"Dammit!" Tyler cursed as he finished behind Josh, being second as always.

"I don't understand why you always try to beat me, you know it will never happen bro." Josh chuckled as he ran his hand through his sweaty hair.

"Oh fuck you, show off!" Tyler huffed as he put his hands on his knees, and let out a harsh breath.

Josh laughed as he took a large gulp of his water, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. Before Josh could respond, they heard a shout from across the field.

"Sup douchebags!" Clair, Tyler and Josh's friend, shouted as she crossed the distance between them to meet the two.

"Humble as always," Tyler muttered, "Don't let coach catch you with your colorful language," the boy huffed, giving the girl a crooked smirk.

"Says the guy that just cussed me out less than a minute ago," Josh chuckled, the smirk disappeared from the other boys face and was replaced on his own. Tyler gave Josh a small push on the shoulder.

"I didn't come to get in between whatever bro fight you guys have going on here but I wanted to let you guys know there's gonna be a sick party at Jensen's place tonight," Claire started but was rudely interrupted by an all too peppy Tyler.

"Jensen is an ass hole!" Tyler remarked.

"Yeah, but his pool isn't." She snapped back and gave the auburn haired boy a death glare.

"She has a point.." Josh said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyways, are you guys coming or not?" She practically scowled, as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Yes, this time I think it would be a nice change," Josh answered before Tyler got the chance to decline. The other boy stood and gawked at Josh's answer.

"Hmmph, I suppose I'm not doing anything tonight, but don't think I'm going to enjoy this party," Tyler muttered a snobby expression on his face.

"Coolio," Claire said, and as awkward as the word was, she somehow made it sound natural. "I'll text you two the deets," the girl said before giving a small wave and walking back to where she came from.

"I can already tell this party is going to go terribly," Tyler huffed, then began walking to the locker room, Josh following close behind. After getting showered and changed the two boys part ways, both heading home.

Josh sported light denim jeans along with an old band graphic tee paired with his thick varsity jacket and black converse. While Tyler decided on a simple pale yellow jumper, black skinny jeans, white Adidas, and a heavy denim jacket. The boys met at the party, Josh already having a girl on his arm.

"Hey bro," Tyler muttered, his words already fairly slurred. The boy took a gulp of the contents of a red solo cup.

"Uh, hey dude," Josh said as he looked at his best friend up and down, "who are you trying to impress here? Boys or girls?" Josh chuckled after the words came out of his mouth, and missed the way Tyler scowled.

"Really bro," Tyler spat, "you don't have to be such a douche!"

"Calm down man, it was just a joke," Josh put up his hands in mock surrender.

"Yeah, a hella offensive one." The auburn haired boy murmured.

"What? You actually gay or something?" Josh said as he laughed more, missing the way that Tyler looked down at his shoes and a slight embarrassed blush crept across his cheeks.

"Dude, you really need to stop," Tyler muttered the redness of his cheeks spread to his ears. The pale boy took a step forward in a threatening manner.

"Yo, back off," Josh said with a stern tone in his voice as he slightly pushed Tyler.

"Don't fucking touch me dude," Tyler muttered after he stumbled back from the push.

"Or what?" Josh glared at the boy and stepped slightly closer.

"Trust me you don't want to find out," Tyler snarled, "I don't know what the fuck is up with you. But you need to actually fuck off right now."

"You really don't want to threaten me Tyler," Josh balled his hands up onto fists, "and I don't know what's up with you! You usually never get so butthurt over harmless jokes, but maybe you're so sensitive on the subject because you aren't here to impress girls," Josh stepped closer, as he knew that he started to test Tyler's patience more and more.

"Just fuck off," Tyler muttered taking a step away, "have fun with that," The boy said pointing to the obviously tipsy girl practically hanging off Josh's arm. Tyler gave a huff and walked away, disappearing into the crowd of people.

Josh rolled his eyes and looked around for someone he knew but then realised that the only people he really cared about is Claire, who was drunk dancing with a bunch of girls and Tyler, who he obviously does not want to be around right now. He let out an annoyed breath and walked out the door of the party, and began to head towards his house to get changed so he can go run a few miles at the school track.

Tyler stepped over to the corner of the room obviously annoyed as he took another swig of his drink.

"Hello," the words flow into his ears. The auburn haired boy swiveled around to see a boy slightly shorter than him looking up with dark brown eyes filled with lust. Tyler could tell the boy was interested and lets just say he himself needed to work off some tension.

"Hi," Tyler practically purred, as he took in the other boys features.

"I'm Chris," the male said quirking an eyebrow.

"Tyler, are you from around here?" The pale boy said. He took a step closer to the boy in question.

"Actually no, just visiting," Chris muttered, "I'm going to be fully honest here, I just want to have some fun...if you know what mean?" Tyler just smirked and gave a small a nod. This wasn't something he'd normally do, but Tyler was pissed, drunk, and like mentioned earlier, quite tense.

So the other boy grabbed his hand and began to lead him up the stairs. Until he gave a slight knock on a random door and when there was no answer he swung it open and gave a happy grunt when it was a bedroom. Tyler closed the door behind him and when he swirled back around to look at Chris. He was met with rough lips smashing into his. He was shocked a bit, but leaned into it. Not willing to break the kiss, he picked Chris up, the boy wrapped his legs around his waist, as he sat on the bed. Chris straddled his lower half and a slight noise escaped his lips as the opposing boys tounge crept into his mouth. The two were so into it that they didn't notice the quiet creak as the door opened, or the slight gasp that came from the rooms entrance. Only did they pull away when a bright flash crept underneath their eyelids. Once Tyler's eyes snapped open and he saw someone he only passed in the halls maybe once or twice with a phone pointed in his direction and wide eyes did he spring into action.

"Well shit," Tyler muttered as he shoved Chris off him and pushed past the person with the phone. He left the party. He suddenly felt anxious and on the brink of tears as he reached his car. It probably wasn't okay to drive but Tyler didn't care, he just wanted to go home.

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