The truth

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"I'm sorry, I'm staying. Tonight I will know. I will know what's going on on the 4th floor."


Jennie was alone, everyone left. The 3 girls didn't even listen to her explanation. She finally had the keys, tonight is the night everything was gonna change.

Even though she was alone, she felt relaxed. The same feeling you have when you just passed an exam and know you aced it.

She decided to talk to her neighbor. A single woman who's approximately 70 years old. Jennie knew her a little bit cause they both talked about some things. The woman's name was Ella and her husband died a few years ago.

Jennie knocked and heard the keys being shoved in the lock a few seconds later. Ella looked surprised that Jennie came to see her, but smiled brightly. She said :

"Jennie! I'm happy to see you! How are you? And your friends? Please come in."

Jennie thought it was strange Ella didn't ask why she was here. She went in while answering :

"Hello Ms. Ella. I'm fine but my friends left for the weekend so I'm feeling lonely." She lied.

"Ow, so you wanted to talk with an old lady like me?" Ella started laughing.

"I actually wanted to ask you something."

"Tell me darling." Ella probably thought Jennie would ask her advice on her love life like friends do. She looked very happy to finally have someone coming over.

"You lived here for a long time, so I thought I could ask you this. Who lived on the 4th floor?"

Ella stayed silent for what seemed like an eternity. Her smile changed into a cold face.

"Why are you asking me this?" There was no joy in her voice anymore. Jennie was surprised but wanted the answer. She needed it.

"Well... some strange noises came from the 4th floor these past few months. I was wondering..." Jennie said.

At this moment, something changed in Ella's eyes. Anger changed in fear.

"You should mind your own business, kid. Don't look for information like this. It could cost you your life."

"I need this Ms. Ella. Please! There's something dangerous up there, something not normal! Maybe it's not human? What if it attacks you? You need to help me!" Jennie said, losing all the confidence she gained.

Ella's gaze changed again. In something new. Something Jennie never saw. Ella looked like a wild beast. Like she was ready to bite at any moment. She started screaming.

"END THIS! END THIS! GET OUT OF MY HOME!" She kept screaming the same sentences over and over again.

Jennie ran and got out of Ella's apartment. She thought it was a dream, she would wake up the next moment. It couldn't be real, or could it ?

It was already 8PM and the darkness slowly covered the town. Jennie got ready to go to the 4th floor at any moment. She took a flashlight and a baseball bat. She felt like she was crazy but actually didn't mind it.

Jennie ate, but couldn't eat more than a slice of bread. She noticed how skinny she became. Actually, she looked sick. Her eyes were red, she had deep blue under eye circles and was too skinny. Her skin was white, it looked almost translucent.

Jennie thought about her friends, she was lonely but at least she knew they were safe. She was only putting herself in danger. Rosé, Lisa and Jisoo wouldn't have to suffer.
Jennie imagined the 3 girls sitting in front of the tv, talking while eating pizza. Were they thinking about her? Maybe they were worried.

She stayed in the living room waiting for a sound coming from the 4th floor. It was silent for hours when Jennie suddenly heard laughs and people screaming. It was just loud enough so she could heard it. Usually it would wake her up, but this time, it's like they knew Jennie was planning to come.

She got up the couch and walked to the door, trying to be as silent as possible. With her flashlight and baseball bat in her bag, she went slowly to the 4th floor's door. The screams were louder. Jennie felt the pain in it.

She noticed the door wasn't locked and went in without thinking, she didn't even need the keys.

The living room was empty, there was just a sign graved into the ground but Jennie couldn't figure out what it was. She heard screaming again, followed by children and adults laughing. She didn't dare to use her flashlight.
The screams came from the next room. Jennie saw light through a door on her left. She stood still in front of it and looked through the lock.

A bunch of people were laughing, all dressed in white. Kids, teenagers, adults, old people. Jennie recognized Ella. She wore a long white dress. They were all sitting in a circle and Jennie noticed more things. Everyone held a doll. Creepy dolls, the kind of dolls you see in horror movies. Jennie didn't understand anything. What was happening?

And then she saw it. She saw where the screams came from. In the center of the circle were people. Nobody was doing anything to them but they kept screaming like they were going to die. They were suffering, Jennie felt it.

Time stopped. Children were cutting their dolls, thrusting needles in it while laughing like they saw the funniest thing ever. Adults looked at them like they were proud and the people in the center kept screaming. Jennie needed to get out of this place, she was going to vomit. She was getting ready to run when suddenly...

Her phone rang.

Hi guys, thank you for supporting me, it means a lot 💕 please check my insta = @rosieposiequeen
I will write other fan fictions when I'm done with this one. Maybe an ikon or another Blackpink ff? Byyyeee love ya

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