About Luna

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Name: Luna Sakamaki

Age: 15

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Red

Race: Vampire

Height: 5'0

Blood type: AB

Nicknames: Princess(Ayato), Little Kitty(Laito), Lazy Butt(Reiji), Little Rose(Subaru), Doll-Chan(Kanato), Moon(Shu)

Skin tone: Pale

When Luna was born she was born a First blood vampire. When she was younger she would get abused by Cordelia because she was not supposed to play with her sons. When Luna was not getting beat she would be singing. When she got older she became more like her older brother Subaru. Cold to others and also rude.

Likes: Subaru, Roses, Music, Sleeping, Dancing, Her other brothers, Mukami Brothers, Cats, Fanfictions, Kawaii people

Dislikes: Perverts, Yuki, Danger, Spicy Foods,  Getting told what to do, Bullies, People speaking when she is speaking

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