mute ☯ | ashton irwin au

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in which a girl who is afraid to speak meets a boy who doesn’t know when to shut up.

se·lec·tive mut·ism:

a rare type of anxiety disorder characterized by the persistent failure to speak in specific social situations.

[a/n: this is going to be a relatively short story with relatively short chapters and idk i hope that’s cool with anyone who decides to give this a read! just a brief warning: this story is based around a mental disorder, as aforementioned. everything i write about will be based primarily on my own experience, as well as knowledge and research (so idk maybe it’s a little personal but i’ve been wanting to write something like this for a while now and it’s kind of important to me). so, if you are easily triggered by any sort of portrayal of mental illness, please proceed with caution! above all, your mental/physical health and stability is what is most important.

a little disclaimer: my intention is not to glamourize or romanticize mental illness in any way. i will try to keep things as realistic as possible, but please remember that this is just a work of fiction. you are whole on your own and do not need to use someone else as a crutch for your happiness or self-worth. please keep this in mind! and i love you a lot.]

© summer. s |winterings [2014]

mute ☯ | ashton irwin auWhere stories live. Discover now