CHAPTER 23 : The Scapegoat*

Start from the beginning

Agrippa shook his head but remained silent. 

Davies lowered his head disappointed in his brother "I have to admit, it was my fault that I told her where you were. When I knew you were released from Hell, I wanted to give you a chance to do something noble for once."

"I thought after five hundred years of punishment, you would have repented. But I was wrong. The moment you were given a chance to erase your sins, you misused it!"

The witch was shocked by the ghost's betrayal.

Even in his death he is a menace, she thought.

She couldn't help but feel sympathy for Davies. His only crime was that he wanted to help someone find the book that would lead them to freedom.

Florina suddenly remembered the time when they were back at the cave with Davies. The time were they were asking him for the book and he said he couldn't help them because of a certain incident that happened in the past.

Florina turned to Davies. "Was this the incident you were speaking of earlier when we were in the cave? The one that you couldn't mention and glossed over."

Florina recalled how sad and silent Davies got when they asked him of the book's whereabouts. The memory of what happened still fresh in her head.

"To ease your minds my good people, I don't know of the book's whereabouts . After the last time..." Davies cleared his throat taking one hard gaze at the fairy, asking for permission to continue with his eyes. The fairy subtly shook her head. At that, the ghost turned back to Florina, who was hanging at his every word and grinned, "It has been lost my good lady. For decades now." He simply concluded.

The wandering ghost nodded and spoke softly, "Yes Florina. After my traitor brother betrayed me and the fairy land and told Lucifer I helped Stella, he took the book from her and punished her with eternal misery."

"But that wasn't enough for their Overlord. He erased all my memories that was associated with the book. Not only that but he trapped me here along with all the damned souls, with no escape."

"How did Severus and I find you in the cave then?" Florina asked.

"The cave is my only escape from here. I am still a soul that God created after all so I cannot be kept in here forever by Lucifer. Just like I cannot stay on Earth forever either. I am trapped in between the two. It hurts me as much as you being here will hurt you."

The witch nodded slowly. She couldn't see his face but she was sure if you did, the grin on his face would be wiped out. 

He would be sardonic and blaming himself for all that happened. She remembered how sad he got at the mention of the book and now she knows the reason why.

Agrippa on the other hand was sensing their change of mood. With every ounce of sadness and misery he felt in the air, he grew happier and stronger. He was thriving on their pain.

Silence dawned upon them once more, the howls and terrifying screams pierced the air. 

Augustus sighed. "The fairies however were quicker than me. As soon as I got back to my cabin, I found their queen Nixie and this fairy right there," he pointed to Rose "waiting for me. Before I knew it, I was trapped in the mirror by their fairy charms unable to escape."

"But like I told you Rose deary, I always find a way. And I did. I have been waiting for twenty five years for the perfect opportunity. And I found it in your pathetic carrier."

He got closer to Florina and smirked, "Now, Miss Woods, I want to thank you personally for setting me free after my years of imprisonment. It's truly ironic how I get to be free while you get to be trapped...and cursed."

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