chapter 1

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Third point of view. (POV)

  "Mikey get up, you're gonna be late for training!" Someone yelled from downstairs. Mikey groaned and rolled over in his bed. "coming!" Mikey yelled back. He gets up and stretches. 'another day for messing up and getting yelled at' he thought. Grabbing his mask and his belt, he left his room. He put on his fake smile and went to the dojo.

  "You are 5 minutes late again my son," Master Splinter said while still meditating. His brothers looked back at him waiting for an answer. "sorry sensei, I didn't hear my alarm clock go off." he said then went and sat down by is purple masked brother Donnie. He smiled at his brothers and then looked back at Splinter.

  Splinter stroked his goatee, "Don't let it happen again, Michelangelo." "I won't sensei" Master Splinter nods, " meditation is over my sons, now it's time for sparing," they all nod, "Leonardo and Donatello will spar together" They both nod, " Raphael and Michelangelo will spar together," Raph chuckles a little, "Get ready to get your shell beaten Mikey," He cracks his knuckles.

  Mikey, with a nervous look, puts his hands up "Raph p-plz go easy on me!" he backs up a little. "oh I'll go easy alright" he laughs a little. 'oh crap' Mikey thought, he gets in his fighting stance, taking out his nu-chucks of his belt, and starts to pray to god to keep him safe from Raph. 'okay Mikey, you got this... you may not win against Raph but still give it you're all'

  "Hajime!" "Hey Raph, bet you can't touch me," Raph pulls out his Sai's and charges at Mikey. Mikey flips over Raph and tries to kick his legs out from under when Raph jumps up and then kicks Mikey in the gut, knocking him back. Mikey groaned a little but didn't have time before Raph was already sitting on him. "Raph get off!" "Not till you say mercy" Mikey tries to get him up but he won't budge. "Fine! you win now get off!" "Hmm.. I kind of want to sit here a little longer," he folds his arms.

  "Raph, get off Mikey" "Fine" he gets off and Mikey gets up off the floor, then goes and sits by Donnie to watch Leo and Raph spar. "prepare to get beaten fearless," Leo stays silent. "hajime" Splinter says. Raph lunges at Leo to strike but Leo quickly moves out of the way. "that's all you got Raph?" Leo teases. Raph, already getting angry, lunges again. Leo blocks Raph's attack and then sweeps him from down below to where he falls onto his shell. "Yaomei!". Leo helps Raph get off the floor. Raph shoves past and leaves the dojo.

  " Training is over for this morning" "Hai Sensei" they leave the dojo and Mikey goes to the kitchen to start lunch. As he was walking to the kitchen, He past Raph, who was punching the dummy, and thought that he should prank him sometime today. Once he gets to the kitchen, he starts by boiling the water, peeling the potatoes and cutting them up, washing whatever vegetables he got from April, and putting them all into the pot to make the soup.

  Once the soup was down cooking he called he's bros. "guys! lunch is ready!" he yells then grabs put 5 bowls to dish them up a good amount for them each. Leo was the first to walk in followed by Raph then Donnie. Mikey knew Splinter would still be meditating so he didn't go get him. Mikey passed out all the bowls with the soup in them, and got himself a bowl but tried not to get too much. "smells good Mikey" "Thanks, thought I would try something new" he took a bite of it himself and fell in love with the favors he was getting from it. He eats it all and goes to get another bowl.

  "This is good Mikey," Leo said while eating another spoonful of the soup. The others agreed and kept eating theirs. "thanks guys," he sat down with his second bowl. "Don't eat it all Mikey, save some for Splinter ya pig," Raph said, putting his bowl in the sink. 'Pig?' Mikey thought, he looks down at his stomach and sees that it is poking out a little. 'I'm not that fat... am I?' he shakes his head a little. 'no, Raph didn't mean it, he was just joking around' Mikey knew that Raph was joking around, but it still kind of hurt his feelings in a way where he didn't feel like finishing his second bowl of soup.


Okay, this is the start of this story being fixed, if there is a mistake or a line doesn't sound right plz let me know so I can fix it. But that's all for today see ya guys!


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