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Sorry if its late🤷🏾‍♀️❤

"So today we'll be starting a new class porject." The teacher told the class.
I mentally rolled my eyes while the rest of the class groaned.
At least I dont have to start in the middle of something and be lost as fuck, I thought.
"But," she spoke louder, "I will let you all pick your partners as long as I agree. Find who your working with then I'll explain what to do."
*Sighs* I'm probably going to get stuck with some nerd, I mumbled.
I looked around seeing everbody getting together with they partners then somebody tapped me. I turned around to see that ass hole, potato or whatever his name is, with a goofy smile on his face.
"Can I be yo partner lil mama." He tucked his upper lip in his mouth.
Hell no. Fuck you think this is? I rolled my eyes.
"There you go with them eyes." He mumbled.

What you say

"Nothing, come on TT, please?"


"Well now you got to." He smirked.

No I dont

"Look around."
I did what he said and saw everybody all partnered up.
"You stuck with me now." He chuckled. "Dont worry, now you get me all to your self."

Boy dont nobody want yo ugly ass.

"Quit fronting lil mama."
I rolled my eyes and looked around the room again.

*sighs* fine. But this is strictly school work.

"Whatever you say lil mama." He shrugged and smirked.

And stop calling me that. My name is

"Tiara, I know. Can I still call you TT?"

I groaned. I dont care.

"Alright class heres the project." The teacher announced.

After School
The rest of the day was boring. I didnt talk to nobody and minded my business but of course where ever I went tomato
(I think thats his name) was right behind me being aggy. I almost smacked him three times. We have three other classes together and two of them we sit right next to each other. And now hes coming over tomorrow to start this project. I hope everything moves fast so he can be out of my space.

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