Week 2 / Horror Dirge: My Stunning Creature

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When you were here...
I didn't say all the things I now wish I had.
I'm living life without you,
But - I don't know how to feel sad.

If anything I'm angry,
Why were you taken from me?
Now I'm back to scaring on my own,
Its the despair in their faces we loved to see.

I never understood their shrieks when they saw you,
You were my stunning creature.
I admired your devotion to scare...
You were not only my wife, you was my teacher.

We hunted our prey unanimously,
We pounced on innocent lives.
We crawled up behind them,
Then laughed at their screams when they saw our claws edged like knives.

The humans caught onto us,
I couldn't protect you.
I thought you were behind me;
There was nothing I could do.

I heard your deafening roar,
as I turned and saw...
You were captured in a net,
They caged you like a pet.

But you wasn't a pet or a monster,
You were my wife.
Thats something I'll never forget,
For the rest of my life.

I tried to run and unchain you,
But you rumbled at me to 'run.'
You told me to save myself,
Instantly I heard the trigger of a gun.

I galloped away like you wished,
It's now my biggest regret.
How could I do that to you?
It's something I'll never forget.

I didn't say it a lot but...
being with you was such an honour.
You and I were far from human,
But you always made me feel like I wasn't a monster.

One day we'll reconvene,
I can't wait till then.
I'll be waiting impassively,
Till we can scare together again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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