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I had to refrain from groaning when Claire called me and told me to go check out one of the dinosaur enclosures.

I hadn't heard of this dinosaur before, the Diplocaulus.

I didn't even know what it looked like, Claire hadn't said anything other than the big boss wanted me to check it out.

So, I was looking at a map of the park, looking like a tourist, as I slowly made my way to the Diplocaulus exhibit.

The exhibit was like a hallway, the glass was on the right and the wall to the left had benches for the guests, who were all crowded against the glass.

"Why is it doing that?" I heard a teenager ask.

I headed to the 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' door and slipped inside.

The security guard was startled at first, "Oh, you're the guy looking at the sausage?"

I gave a slow nod, "Yeah, what's wrong with her exactly?" I questioned, walking over to the door.

The guard grabbed a metal pole that was leaning against the wall. "The vet says it's depressed, but we don't know why. That's why you're here," the guard told me, fumbling with his keys to unlock the door.

When he did, I finally got a look at the habitat.

His description of 'sausage' fit her well. She looked like the wiener dog of dinosaurs. She was hitting the extended portion of her cheek against a rock repetitively, not even noticing the security guard and I make our way over.

"It does that a lot," the security guard commented, poking her away from the rock with the pole.

She finally seemed to notice us, giving a small chirp with her head tilted at me. The point of her cheek was bloody, dripping onto the ground with her head tilt.

I spared a glance at the people on the other side of the glass, they all had their phones out filming.

"Get them out of here and go call one of the vets," I ordered the guard, who shrugged and handed me the pole before he walked out.

I could hear an automated female voice on the other side, "The Diplocaulus exhibit is now closed. Please exit the exhibit," the voice repeated the statement in a few different languages before looping.

The Diplocaulus looked at the glass, watching the people leave.

I could hear their footsteps as they left.

As the last few were clearing out, a woman was making her way in holding a first aid kit. The security guard stepped out and grabbed a chain from the wall to block off the exhibit as the woman walked in.

The Diplocaulus eyed her warily, "She doesn't like me much," the woman commented as she closed the door and set the kit on a rock. She took out a roll of gauze, cotton padding, and antiseptic.

"She seemed to like me well enough," I told her as the Diplocaulus peered around my legs to stare at her.
POV SWITCH-Diplocaulus
I didn't like the woman, I never had. I didn't like people that much; all they did was hurt, but this new human was different.

The Sausage Dinosaur (Jurassic World One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now