"You were that confident I'd say yes that you already made plans?" She bit her lip, looking up at him through dark lashes.

"I hoped you'd say yes,"

"Because you 'really, really like' me?" She asked with a smirk, quoting his earlier statement.

"Do you want to go on a date with me or not?" Joey groaned tipping his head back in embarrassment. She interlaced their fingers and tugged causing him to look down at her again.

"I would love to," her grin was infectious and the tall brunette found himself grinning back at her, his thumb stroking the back of her hand. "Are you gonna kiss me on this date?" Lauren asked, her face telling him she was only half serious.

"If you want me to," Joey replied, his voice quiet as he leaned further into her space. She pressed herself up slowly on tiptoes to meet him halfway.

"How about you kiss me now?" She whispered.

Lauren's eyes flicked down to his lips and her tongue darted out to wet her own. She couldn't believe this was really happening. Just five minutes ago she'd been stressing about the current state of her school work and now she was in her lounge, preparing to kiss Joey Richter. He nudged her nose with his, forehead pressed against hers and she watched his eyes flutter closed.

"Aren't you two going to be late to school?"

The two sprung apart startled and Lauren clutched a hand to her chest as she breathed heavily. From the look of Joey, she had to guess his heart rate was doing something similar to her own.

"Going now Mom!" Lauren called back.

She shrugged disappointed at Joey who very clearly reciprocated her feelings and then picked up Sam's carrier. Joey slid the backpack over his shoulders and placed a hand on the small of her back to guide her outside. He ducked down to her ear and whispered:



"So, I'll see you at lunch?" Joey asked bending down to tuck Samson into his makeshift cot in the day-care.

"Yeah, I have to get some homework done though otherwise I'll be stressing about it all night," Lauren replied tucking the carrier into the corner of the room. Meredith and Denise were just behind them tucking in baby Beth and in the corner, Darren looked slightly bedraggled as he shoved Hayley into her box and dropped the bag he was holding. Lauren smirked lightly glad he was getting a nice serving of karma before returning her attention to Joey.

"You think we should help him?" He asked standing up to his full height and nodding his head toward Darren.

"Let him suffer the consequences today," Lauren replied watching as Darren stared forlornly at Hayley, "we can help him tomorrow if we have to,"

She began the walk out of the day-care room, Joey right behind her as the bell rang loudly.

"See you on the quad," he smiled leaning down to press a soft kiss to her cheek.

Lauren flushed and waved at him as he sprinted down the corridor for his next class on the other side of the school.

"What the hell was that?" Meredith asked and Lauren jumped slightly.

"Jees, when will people stop creeping up on me!" She groaned, "What the hell was what?"

"That kiss?" Meredith replied, slotting her arm through Lauren's, Denise joining her on the other side as they walked to Economics together.

"It wasn't a kiss," Lauren shook her head, her long dark pony covering the now permanent blush on her cheeks.

"I know what I saw," Denise chimed in, bouncing on the balls of her feet, "Joey Richter just kissed you and you didn't slap him,"

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